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This site contains information regarding the cataloguing standards, practices and policies of Library and Archives Canada. Recent changes are posted in the News and Announcements Section.

News and Announcements

  • LAC Decision on Series Authority Records
    Although LAC supports the goal of more cost-effective cataloguing and is undertaking its own review of policies, LAC has decided not to follow LC's recent decision to cease the creation of series authority records. The results of a costing analysis and consultation with the Canadian library community and with the public service areas of LAC indicate that the benefits of controlled series access points and authorities outweigh the cost of their creation.
[Archived News and Announcements - pre 2004]
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Send suggestions and comments to:

Standards, IMO
Library and Archives Canada
395 Wellington
Ottawa, ON   K1A 0N4
Fax: (819) 934-4388
E-mail: standards@lac-bac.gc.ca