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Towards Confederation
Provinces and Territories
Maps 1667-1999
Political Cartoons
Confederation for KidsSite SearchPhotograph: Québec, Saint-Jean and Couillard streets, ca. 1868-1871.
Banner: Canadian ConfederationBanner: Canadian Confederation
Graphical element: Faded painting of Fathers of ConfederationGraphical element: Faded painting of Fathers of Confederation
About This SiteKey TermsDocumentsImagesBibliographyFor Teachers

Welcome to the Library and Archives Canada Canadian Confederation website, which tells the story of how Canada came to be, from the original four provinces in 1867 to the present. Historical essays showcase documents, articles and photographs of the people, places and events that have shaped our country. The site features material from the collection of Library and Archives Canada, including a number of rare items that would otherwise be difficult to access.

This site is intended for the general public. Library and Archives Canada has also created Confederation for Kids, for children ages 9 to 13.

ISSN 1713-868X