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Introduction to Confederation

Who is this website for?

This site was written for young people ages 9 to 13 who are learning about how Canada came to be a country. It is also for anyone else who wants to learn more about Confederation.

What is the website about?

Before Confederation, Britain ruled some colonies in what is now Canada. The Confederation website is the story of how those colonies came together to become Canada, and how Canada has grown since then.

Where do I start? How do I get around?

The tour of the Confederation site begins with the Prelude. It will give you some background information on the history of Canada before it became a country.

From there you can go to the Provinces page. This lists all the provinces and territories in Canada, and when and why they became part of Canada.

Next, the People page tells the life stories of important people who helped to shape this country.

If you want to find out the definition of a word in the text, or to learn more about a person whose played a role in Confederation, click on the underlined word or name to look it up in the Glossary or People page.

Why should you look at this website?

By looking at how Canada came to be a country you learn a lot about the Canada you live in today.


We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the Department of Canadian Heritage's Canadian Digital Cultural Content Initiative (CDCCI), whose financial assistance made this work possible.
