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IntroductionThe Hack (1500-1800)The Hogline (1760-1850)The House (after 1850)Burned Stones: Curling LoreGallery


Ceud Mile Failte (A Hundred Thousand Welcomes)

Canadian Winter Sports, Curling

The history of curling in Canada extends back to the origins of this country's earliest European immigrants. It is an important history that reflects Canada's social and cultural development. Bonspiel! The History of Curling in Canada tells the story of curling from its distant origins to its current popularity.

Library and Archives Canada holds one of the richest collections of documents on curling in Canada, acquired from various regional, national, and international curling bodies. In Bonspiel!, selections from these records are united under the theme of playing and enjoying the unofficial national sport of curling.

Bonspiel! explores the history and cultural impact of curling from the sport's mysterious 16th-century origins to the present day. The story of curling in Canada is interpreted under chronological themes that relate the history of curling to the playing surface of the game itself. All of the images and documents digitized for this site are available in the Gallery pages.

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