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Recorded Sound and Video

The Recorded Sound and Video Collection of the National Library holds approximately 200 000 recordings in all formats including 78-, 45- and 33.3-rpm discs, cylinders, piano rolls, 8-track and reel-to-reel tapes, audio and video cassettes, and laser discs. Among the most important audio archives and collections are those of Glenn Gould, Randy Bachman, the Berliner Gram-o-phone Company, the Compo Company and Harold D. Smith.

Current audio and video recordings and videos manufactured in Canada featuring a Canadian composer, performer, producer or subject are acquired by legal deposit. The National Library also acquires, through purchase and donation, historical and contemporary recordings, both commercial and archival, which have Canadian content. Most commercial recordings are catalogued on the National Library's AMICUS database while 78- and 45-rpm discs and archival audio and visual formats can be accessed through in-house databases (INMAGIC) or through manual finding aids.

The collection is available for on-site consultation in the Special Collections Reading Room on the fourth floor of the National Library's headquarters in Ottawa. Sound and video recordings are not available for interlibrary loan. Copies can be made if proper copyright clearance has been obtained.

For further information regarding the Recorded Sound and Video Collection, contact the Music Division of the National Library of Canada via the Internet (mus@lac-bac.gc.ca), or by telephone at (613) 996-7510 or fax at (613) 952-2895.