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Recent Private Sector Acquisitions

The National Archives regularly acquires new records (fonds, collections, items) from the private sector — that is, from individuals, businesses and organizations. The following is only a small selection of records acquired in the past three months.

Please note that recent acquisitions will not generally be made available to researchers until they have been brought under control through arrangement and description. Depending on the resources, the size of the acquisition and the backlog of work in the processing areas, it may take from several weeks to several years to make a new acquisition available for consultation and reproduction.

Major Acquisitions - Private sector

The following are major acquisitions made in the period from January 2001-June 2002, arranged according to the section which had the lead on the actual case, rather than on the importance of the individual acquisition.

Political Archives Section

Thomas Axworthy fonds, 1975-1984. 25 metres of textual records. These personal papers consist of correspondence, memoranda and other records relating primarily to Axworthy's career as a senior advisor in the Prime Minister's Office. Axworthy was the policy advisor to Liberal cabinet ministers in the early 1970s, and a member of the PMO from 1975, where he served as a special assistant, policy advisor, and Assistant Principal Secretary (Policy). While Pierre E. Trudeau was Leader of the Official Opposition, Axworthy continued to advise on policy matters. From 1981 to 1984, he served as Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Trudeau.

Rt. Hon Pierre E. Trudeau fonds, 1900-2001. Accrual, 57.7 metres of textual records and one box of photographs. These additional personal papers relate mostly to Trudeau's private life and include correspondence with his parents and other family members, records relating to childhood and early education, university studies in Montreal, Paris and London, records relating to his professional career as a lawyer and university professor, notebooks and other papers relating to travel, his writings for Cité Libre, and other publications, files documenting early political activity and finally, files documenting his activities following his retirement from public life. Donation.

Economic & Governance Archives Section

Federation of Engineering and Scientific Associations fonds
, ca. 1971-2001. 8.7 metres of textual records as well as photographs. These are records of a labour organization for employee professional engineers and scientists. Donation.

Kalmen Kaplansky fonds, ca. 1926-1996. Accrual, 0.55 metres of textual records, approximately 50 photographs, and two videos. These are additional records of the late Kalmen Kaplansky who was prominent in international labour affairs and was a founder of the human rights movement in Canada.

Canadian Auto Workers fonds, 1973-1999. Accrual, 1.8 metres of textual records. These additional records include files of the Assistant to the President Buzz Hargrove concerning the separation from the United Auto Workers, the founding of the CAW, and other significant developments in the union's history.

Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada fonds, 1958-1992. 0.75 metres of textual records. These records of the CEP's predecessor unions pertain to workers in the telecommunications, pulp and paper, and energy and chemical industries.

Alan Davidson fonds. 18.9 metres of textual and related media records. These documents consist of psychiatric case files and personal records of Davidson, a psychiatrist in Gravenhurst[,] Ontario.

Jean-Yves Gosselin fonds, 1979-1991. Accrual, 1.65 metres of textual records. This additional material covers Gosselin's career as chairman of the Review of the Abuse Psychiatry Committee of the World Psychiatric Association.

Gerhard Herzberg fonds. Accrual, 5.7 metres of textual records. This additional material from the office of Herzberg at the National Research Council consists of professional correspondence, his work with various institutions and manuscripts for some of his books.

R. Norman Jones fonds. Accrual, 17.7 metres of textual records. This additional material consists of professional correspondence, family correspondence and the history and evolution of spectroscopy.

Covert-Massie Harrington-Turner Family collection, 1820-1996. 2.77 metres of textual records, approximately 4,000 photographs and art works. This material documents the history of a prominent Upper Canadian family, providing a perspective on how families of a particular socio-economic, political, ethnic and religious background developed over several generations and were affected by political events and social changes. The collection consists of the papers of the Covert and Harrington families, 1830-1884, Almon Penfield Turner 1884-1916, and the Massie family, ca. 1820-1996.

John Sopinka fonds. Accrual, 5 metres of textual records [from the former Supreme Court Judge].

William Dickson fonds. 1836, an account book relating to sale of Grand River lands.

William Wallace fonds. Accrual, 120 documents relating to William Wallace, Block #3 on the Grand River, and his sons' efforts to recover property seized during the War of 1812.

Lady Geddes Mackenzie single item, 1830 deed of sale for shares in the Hudson's Bay Company, from Lady Geddes, widow of Sir Alexander Mackenzie, to Edward Ellice.

Social & Cultural Archives Section

Eric W. Morse fonds, 1926-1995. 0.85 metres of textual records, 460 photographs and 171 maps. This fonds documents Morse's annual canoe trips following the fur trade routes of the voyageurs in northern and western Canada (including his 1966 trip on the Coppermine River with Pierre Trudeau) and his research and writing on canoeing and the fur trade. Morse was considered the "dean" of Canadian canoeists.

Gregory Clark fonds, 1907-1976. 0.72 metres of textual records, 22 photographs and 2 sound recordings. This material contains personal diaries, fishing journals and correspondence documenting Clark's 60-year career as a well-known columnist in Canadian journalism. Donation.

Henry Mather Hare fonds, 1895-1939. 0.14 metres of textual records. This material consists of the personal diaries of Hare (1895-1939), a medical missionary who served with the Methodist Church in West China and at W. T. Grenfell's Deep-Sea Mission Hospital in Harrington Harbour, Quebec. Donation.

Hugh Whitney Morrison fonds, 1911-2001. 0.75 metres of textual records, 60 photographs and 1 sound recording. This material documents Morrison's education at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar in the 1930s, his friendship and work with Sir William Stephenson, his career as a print journalist and CBC executive and his continuing relationship with Oxford University. Donation.

Canadian Association of University Teachers fonds, 1961-1994. Accrual, 20.5 metres of textual records. This additional material relates to the association's Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee, its relations with governments, and its work on behalf of local and provincial faculty associations.

Frontier College fonds, 1900-1998. Accrual, 42 metres of textual records, photographs and sound recordings. This additional material documents the fight against illiteracy from isolated work camps to the inner city, including records of its Labourer-Teacher program, Beat the Street program, HELP program for inmates released on parole, Inuit Management Training project, and other literacy programs, advocacy and fundraising efforts.

World Council of Indigenous Peoples fonds. Approximately 12 metres of textual records, photos and video cassettes. Organized in 1975 by the National Indian Brotherhood of Canada, the Council eventually came to speak on behalf of indigenous peoples in all parts of the world. It ceased its activities in the mid-1990s.

Michel Faure fonds, 1965-2000. 3.25 metres of textual records, photographs and sound recordings. The fonds documents Faure's career as scriptwriter for radio and television (namely for the CBC), and as playwright and project coordinator for film.

Lise Teasdale fonds, 1960-1996. Textual documents (84 lettres). These belonged to Teasdale's sister Lucille Teasdale, a physician and surgeon who practised at St.Mary's-Lacor Hospital in Uganda with her husband Piero Corti, from 1961 until her death from AIDS in 1996. These moving letters document the life and professional activities of this couple [whose humanitarian work has been recognized internationally].

Jean Paul Lemieux and Madeleine Des Rosiers fonds, ca 1850-1998. 1.30 metres of textual documents and 3671 photographs. This material documents the activities of the Lemieux-Des Rosiers couple, especially the career of Lemieux, a renowned painter. The fonds consists of correspondence with painters, writers and artists, a diary, and documents relating to exhibits and publications.

Colin Low fonds, 1939-2000. Accrual, 1.9 metres of textual records as well as graphic material and films. This additional material documents Low's career as a filmmaker, including his work with the National Film Board, and includes film project files, correspondence and research material.

Ted Allan fonds, 1937-1995. Accrual, 4.3 metres of textual records as well as graphic material and sound recordings. This additional material includes Allan's play/script library, material on Norman Bethune, correspondence, and autobiographical manuscripts.

William Toye fonds, 1947-2001. 1.4 metres of textual records and 48 photographs. The fonds includes correspondence and subject files documenting the life and work of Toye, a literary editor and author.

John McCrae fonds, 1880-1918. 1 metre of textual records. This material consists of over a thousand letters from the physician, soldier and poet McCrae to his family, along with three diaries, including one kept in 1900 during the South African War and two dating from the First World War. Donation.

W. Montabone fonds, 1924-1981. 0.03 metres of textual records, as well as photographs, plans and drawings. This fonds includes correspondence and travel literature relating to Montabone's athletic and Olympic careers, as well as plans and drawings regarding the illumination system of the Parliament Buildings.

Walter Hyduk fonds, 1970-1980. 8.4 metres of textual records, as well as photographs, posters, videos and sound recordings. This fonds includes correspondence, reports, briefs, subject files, leaflets, scrapbooks, photo albums and photocopies relating to the community activities of Hayduk and of various Ukrainian Canadian community organizations, newspapers and committees in eastern Canada, n.d..

Dmytro Pyluk fonds, 1912-1974. 0.50 metres of textual records, as well as photographs, posters and publications. This fonds includes biographical notes and material, correspondence, financial statements, draft plays and periodicals relating to Pyluk's activities in producing and distributing Ukrainian-language films in Canada.

Roger Obata fonds, 1944-2000. 4.2 metres of textual records. This fonds includes correspondence, minutes and reports of meetings, draft articles and manuscripts and other related material concerning the Japanese Redress movement and the Japanese Canadian community.

Art and Photography Section

Peter Winkworth Collection of Canadiana, 1565-20th century. 8 paintings, 452 watercolours, 237 drawings, 7 sketchbooks containing about 200 watercolours and drawings, approximately 3300 original engravings, etchings and lithographs dating from the 17th to the late 19th century, 27 print sets containing about 200 prints, 57 maps and plans, 20 items of printed ephemera, miniatures and silhouettes. This spectacular and invaluable collection of Canadiana contains thousands of unique and rare items, many of which have not surfaced on the art market for decades. Much of the material in the Collection is unique and not held anywhere else in the world. Included are a wide range of subjects and individuals: portraits of First Nations peoples, colonial administrators, naval and military officers, explorers, and politicians; flora and fauna depicted by such artists as James Audubon, Maria Miller, and John Edwards; scenes of settlement, industry, trade, commerce, transport, and agriculture; towns and cities across Canada; events and disasters, including battles, shipwrecks, fires and floods; and images of everyday life. The 57 maps, bird's eye views, atlases and one architectural drawing primarily relate to Montreal and the province of Quebec, for example: Montreal of the 16th, 18th and 19th, Quebec City, the St. Lawrence river, lake Champlain area. However, Canada, North America and the railway terminal in Ottawa are also depicted. Purchase.

Richard Taylor fonds, 1935-1970. 1393 drawings and watercolours. This material from Taylor, the Canadian-born New Yorker cartoonist, includes all the finished New Yorker and Collier's cartoons, Taylor's series primarily of watercolours and drawings which we have entitled the "Surreals", his etchings and linocuts, miscellaneous early works including the mock-ups for published children's books, miscellaneous ads, some editorial work, greeting cards and the cartoon roughs. Donation.

Jean-Pierre Girerd fonds, 1990-1998. Accrual, approximately 900 political cartoons. An addition to the existing collection of political cartoons from the well-known Montreal cartoonist Girerd, which provide a sardonic and satirical examination of national and provincial politics from a Montreal perspective. Donation.

Robert Ragsdale fonds, ca. 1960-2000. Accrual, approximately 272,000 photographs. This additional material relates to Ragsdale's career as a publicity photographer, primarily for CBC, but also for Stratford, and for other commercial organisations. Donation.

Paul-Emile Miot fonds, ca. 1857-58. Accrual, 3 photographs. These additional photographs taken by the French naval photographer Miot during a voyage to Newfoundland in 1857-8 were offered at auction in Paris. The National Archives of Canada bid on several lots, but succeeded in purchasing only three, one for the Portrait Gallery of Canada; 2 of them showing life on board ship and a view of one of the harbours. Purchase.

Merrilees Co. fonds, ca. 1940-1990. Accrual, 23 containers of photographs, 2 containers of artwork, textual records, maps and videos. This additional material pertains to the activities of the Andrew Merrilees Co., Canada's most versatile seller of new rail for track, crane and structural applications. Donation.

Art Price fonds, 1920-2001. Accrual, 34 containers of photographs, artworks, and textual records. This additional material pertains to the life and career of Art Price. Donation.

Jennifer Dickson fonds, 1936-2001. Approximately 500 prints, drawings, watercolours, photographs, and other media, ca. 1960-1998, as well as 8.5 metres of textual records, ca. 1936-2001. The fonds documents the life and work of Dickson and includes personal material and correspondence, exhibitions and projects files, travel records, publicity and promotional material, business files, and material relating to the Royal Academy of Arts. Donation.

Arnaud Maggs fonds, 1932-1990. Over 700 works of art and photographic prints, 1932-1972, as well as 7 containers of photographs ca. 1970-1990. Maggs worked as a graphic designer in Toronto, New York City, and Milan from 1949 until the 1970s. This period of his career is documented in a significant collection of graphic design work for various commercial companies, for Canada Post, Expo 67, Chatelaine, IBM, Imperial Oil, Columbia Records, etc. and includes portraits, stamp and poster designs, etc. From the 1970s onwards, he worked as a creative artist, primarily using the medium of photography to create large-scale works and series, including 64 portraits, downwind photographs, the Complete Prestige Jazz Catalogue, etc. The 7 boxes of photographs represent a major donation of study prints related to Maggs' career as an artist and teacher. Maggs is represented in almost all major Canadian galleries, as well as internationally. One room in the contemporary galleries at the National Gallery of Canada is currently devoted exclusively to his work. Partial purchase, partial donation.

Royal Bank Archives Historical collection, ca. 1556-1900. 151 prints and 11 maps. A collection of historical prints and maps, including portraits of Sir John Franklin, Sir George Simpson, Joshua McKay, Sir William Fenwick Williams of Kars, Lord Durham, and numerous other naval, military and official personages whose careers related to Canada, as well as prints after Hervey Smyth, Richard Short, George Heriot, John Richard Coke Smyth, Henry James Warre, and others. The maps include a Ramusio of Hochelaga of 1556, the Thomas Jefferys map of Montreal in 1760, and a Joseph Bouchette map. It should be noted that, while some of these works duplicate holdings already in the National Archives of Canada, many of them are in superb condition and others are works where the NA does not own copies, e.g. the young John Franklin portrait engraved by G. R. Lewis of ca. 1824, and the Joshua McKay after the daguerreotype by Southworth and Hawes of 1854. Donation.

Basil Zarov Photo fonds, 1940-1985. 12,000 negatives and 300 archival-quality prints, as well as related textual material (1942-1985). Zarov was a Montreal-based photo-journalist, whose work includes photo shoots of the armistice of 8 May 1945, of UN Missions to Congo and Cyprus 1963-64 including Albert Schweitzer and the last photograph of Dag Hammarskjold, of dancers and scenes of the Russian Ballet (ca. 1940-41), of scenes of the Centaur Theatre (ca. 1976-80); photographs for Macleans (Arthur Lismer 1953, Dr. Penfield, Marchéé Bonsecours, Montreal the Good, Ben's Deli, for Mayfair (St-Andrew's Ball 1958), for Vie des Arts (Jean-Paul Riopelle (Guy Robert), Jean-Paul Lemieux, Alfred Pellan); portraits of many individuals, including Leonard Cohen, Germaine Guèèvremont, Irving Layton, Gabrielle Roy, Antoine de St-Expury, Antal Dorati, Zino Francescatti, Otto Klemperer, Pierre Mercure, Allan Mills, Wilfred Pelletier, Ezio Pinza, Jean Drapeau, Camillien Houde, Pierre Johnson, Jeanne Sauvé, Hans Selye, Gratien Gélinas, Françoise Sullivan, Jeanine Sutto, Yvette Brind'amour, Pierre Dagenais and Muriel Guilbault. Purchase.

Vincenzo Pietropaolo collection, 1999-2000, 40 photographs acquired as representative selections from a major project done for the Canadian Auto Workers. Each image includes the name of the worker or workers, as well as the work location and date. The project as a whole covers a wide variety of economic and labour sectors, including emerging ones in the service and health care sectors, entertainment industries, retail, and high technology. The project also covers the more traditional areas of the Canadian economy, including automaking, shipbuilding, mining, and manufacturing. Purchase.

Roy Carless fonds, ca. 1990-1995. Accrual, 24 political cartoons and caricatures by Roy Carless. Donation.

Gilles Carle fonds, ca. 1940-1995. Approximately 5500 photographs documenting the life and career of filmmaker Carle (born 1928). Donation.

Vic Roschkov fonds, ca. 1990-1998. Accrual, 99 cartoons. A further addition to the existing collection of political caricatures and cartoons by the free-lance cartoonist Roschkov.

Dan Murphy fonds, ca. 1988-1995. Accrual,141 political cartoons, both black and white and colour, published in the Vancouver area. Donation.

Portrait of père Pierre-François-Xavier Charlevoix by Pier Leone Ghezzi, 1725. Père Charlevoix (1682-1761), a Jesuit priest and teacher, was the author of Histoire et description générale de la Nouvelle France... (Paris, 1744); Vie de la mère Marie de l'Incarnation.... (Paris, 1727); and other works. Pier Leone Ghezzi (1674-1755) was an Italian artist working in Paris. Purchase.

Watercolour of the Chipman House, Saint John, N. B., ca. 1801, by an unknown artist, Purchase.

Moe and Lillian Reinblatt fonds, 4 drawings. Portraits of Montreal Artists Guido Molinari, Theo Waddington, Harry Mayerovitch, and Philip Surrey drawn by Moe Reinblatt. Three of these portraits were purchased and one donated by Reinblatt's widow, Lilian. These drawings may be followed by a donation of more of Reinblatt's papers and photographs.

Baird Family portraits, 1833. 2 paintings. Portraits of Nichol Hugh Baird (1796-1849), engineer and inventor, and his Mary Telfer White (after 1808-1847) with eldest daughter Mary Telfer Baird (1832-1918). The paintings are signed and dated by artist Nelson Cook on verso. Donation.

A. Y. Jackson fonds, 1908. 1 painting. The earliest known oil painting by Jackson, done in Etaples, France, is an oil on board. Apparently Jackson destroyed most of his earlier works. Donated by the artist's niece.

Raffi Anderian fonds, ca. 1995-1998. Accrual, 200 political cartoons and caricatures. Anderian, an artist and illustrator for the Toronto Star and other newspapers and journals, has donated further examples of his work. Donation.

Tony Hauser collection, 1972-1999. Accrual, 24 photographs. These are the only photographs of individuals included in the Hauser exhibition now at the National Arts Centre which were not previously owned by the National Archives of Canada. Their purchase completes the NA's ownership of the entire contents of the exhibition.

Audio-Visual Section

Télé-métropole Inc. fonds. 1961-1980s. Approximately 4000 films. These 16mm films constitute the main programming of the first private Francophone television channel in Canada. This major acquisition fills a gab in television history and includes a wide range of programs, including informative, public affairs, religious, cultural and feminine programming, as well as interviews with public figures, documentaries and variety shows, while presenting new lighting, new opinions and a canadien perspectives never before seen on public television.

Feature Film Acquisition Program 2001-2002: As part of a Memorandum of Understanding signed with Canadian Heritage, The National Archives of Canada received funding to acquire feature films not already in its holdings. A process was implemented through which experts in Canadian feature film joined with the feature film specialist at the NA to establish a priority list for these films. [A number of Canadian feature films were acquired this year].

Short Film Acquisition Program 2001-2002: The short film acquisition program continued with the acquisition of 26 films. Many Canadian short films have won recognition and awards at major festivals, but due to their relatively small budgets and the increasing numbers of independent producers, preservation of originals and masters have often remained outside proper archival storage. Amongst the films was a selection of 14 shorts by new and established filmmakers from the Canadian Film Centre's catalogue including films made by producers, writers and directors who have attended the Centre since 1992. Included were films by established directors Don McKellar, Vincenzo Natali (who also directed the internationally acclaimed feature Cube), Helen Lee, and Clement Virgo.

Ray Stone fonds, 21 sound recordings (16 audio tapes and 5 audio cassettes) containing 59 items which include interviews, reports, speeches, press briefings, and a tribute, covering over 11 hours, and taped between 1968 and 1974. It consists mainly of oral history interviews conducted by Ray Stone, while on board the Canadian Coast Guard vessel, the John A. Macdonald, during the Manhattan Voyage in 1969. During his contracts as a freelancer for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Ray Stone also conducted other interviews of people who worked and lived in the Arctic and the Canadian north who were mainly experts in their respective fields of work. Excerpts of some of these unedited interviews were used by the CBC Northern Service for such CBC program series as , The Days Before Yesterday.

Cartographic section

Fire Insurance Plans. 1910-1964. 462 fire insurance plans and 11 index pages of 59 towns in 7 provinces (Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia). The plans were produced by Charles Edward Goad of the Charles E. Goad Company, and the Underwriter's Survey Bureau. This material includes some rare items, such as the 8 sheet 1946 Harbour Grace, Newfoundland plan, the first edition of which was originally thought to be the 1950 one, and the 1957-100 sheet plan of St. John's. The National Archives of Canada now have a collection of approximately 50,000 such plans representing over 2,500 cities, towns and industrial sites in the country. Purchase.

Canadian National Railway fonds. 30 000 cartographic, architectural and engineering records, dating back to 1889. Phase one of the transfer took place in March 2001, while phase two took place at the end of May, 2002. The descriptive entries for the various CN transfers over the years will reflect both the public and private components of the CN records.

IKOY/Keenberg fonds. Accrual of architectural records from this well-known Canadian firm.

Michael Ellwood/Fetherstonhaugh fonds. Accrual of architectural records from a Canadian company.

Henry Finkel fonds, This fonds consists of remarkable personal papers of an individual involved in industrial design. Some drawings from the fonds have already been presented as part of the exhibit Treasured Memories, and some museums have indicated their interest in borrowing items for their exhibits.

Other maps and atlases acquired include:

Charles Randle, "Cape Gaspe, 1775" (manuscript map).
Commercial and British Empire. (1 map) Toronto, E. N. Moyer & Co., ca.1904.

3 maps having formerly belonging to Lord Dalhousie, Governor in Chief of Canada 1820-1828. Purchased for the National Archives of Canada by the Friends of the National Archives of Canada. It was the first such purchase ever by the Friends. The maps of Upper Canada, 1823, and Lower Canada, 1817, appear to be rare because research so far has not turned up any copies of them in other institutions in Canada or abroad. The NA has many other editions and variants of same. The maps are:

John Purdy. A map of Cabotia comprehending the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, with Breton Island, Newfoundland, &cc.; and including the adjacent parts of the United States. London [England], Richard A. Laurie, 1821.

William Chewett. A map of the located districts in the Province of Upper Canada describing all the new settlements, townships, &c;, with the adjacent frontiers, compiled and corrected from the latest surveys in the Surveyor General's Office by William Chewett...under the direction of Sir Peregrine Maitland.... London [England], William Faden, 1823.

Samuel Holland. A new map of the province of Lower Canada, describing all the seigneuries, townships, grants of land, etc. compiled from plans deposited in the Patent Office, Quebec to which is added a plan of the rivers, Scondiac and Magaguadavic, surveyed in 1796, 97, and 98, by order of the commissioners, appointed to ascertain the true River St. Croix intended by the Treaty of Peace, bertween His Britannic Majesty, and the United States of America. London [England], Wllm. Faden, 1817.

British Colonies in North America. London [England], Thomas Kelly, 1824.

Drawn and engraved by J. Archer Pentonville. British and Russian America. London [England], H.G. Collins, ca.1841?

Drawn and engraved by J. Archer Pentonville. Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, etc. London [England], H.G. Collins, 1841?

Neueste Karte von Lower Canada (Unter -Canada) besten Quellen entivarfen und gezeichnet. Meyer's-Handatlas. No. 51. Amsterdam, 1844.

Ober - (Upper-) Canada. Meyer's-Handatlas. No. 55. Amsterdam, 1845.

Stromgebiet von Nordamerica. Nach den besten Quellen entworfen und gezeichnet. Vom Hauptm Radefeld, 1847. Germany, Bibliographischen Institute, 1847.

Sr. Robert de Vaugondy fils. Carte des pays connus sous le nom de Canada, dans laquelle sont distinguéées les possessions franççoises, et angl...Paris, Quai de l'horloge du Palais proche le pont-neuf, 1753.

Engraved by Thierry, attributed to Conran Malte-Brun. Amerique Russe, Nouvelle Bretagne et Canada. ca. 1846.

One book:

Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, 1723-1786. Institutions géographiques / par Robert de Vaugondy, gééographe ordinaire du Roi, de S.M. Polonoise, Duc de Lorraine & Bar, & de l'Acadéémie royale des Sciences et belles-lettres de Nancy. Paris, chez Boudet...Desaint...,1766.

An interesting work about theoretical and practical geography including considerations on map and globe making, with several references to Canada.