Interlibrary Loan Directory on the Web :
Symbols and Interlibrary Loan Policies in Canada
The ILL Directory on the Web provides a current and alternate access to the print edition of the Symbols and Interlibrary Loan Policies in Canada. Its aim is to provide an essential resource sharing tool to libraries, and to make this information easily accessible and searchable on the Web.
Data in the directory is updated regularly. Please notify the National Library of any changes in your library information including mailing addresses, telephone and fax numbers, electronic mail addresses, and/or policy information so we can keep our library file up-to-date. Changes can be sent to:
Client Services Coordinator
National Library of Canada
Interlibrary Loan Division
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0N4
Telephone: (613) 996-7527
Fax: (613) 996-4424
The ILL directory contains addressing and messaging information for all Canadian libraries listed in NAVIS, the National Library's new automated interlibrary loan system.
It includes:
- bilingual names of Canadian institutions
- Canadian library symbols.
- addresses
- electronic modes of communication such as: Internet addresses, Envoy addresses, Ariel, and Fax
- delivery services including IUTS, NCR Express, PEBUQUILL and SOLS
- equivalent library symbols such as WHO Codes and OCLC symbols
- interlibrary loan policies, such as information on the loan of monographs and serials, charges for ILL services, payment methods used, not for loan categories, and renewals information
A future link to Canadian Libraries and Library Catalogues will be provided from the item display screen.
Access is provided to the following fields in the directory:
- Canadian library symbol.
- name of library.
- WHO Code.
- OCLC Symbol.
- city.
- region.
- library type.
- electronic address type including: Envoy, Ariel, Internet and Electronic Mail (includes both Envoy and Internet)
- electronic address.
1. To activate a search, input your search query and click on the FIND button.
- E.G. To find a known Canadian library symbol such as OONL
Library Symbol = oonl
Click on FIND button
2. You can search for a single keyword or phrase in Library Name and City fields
- E.G. To search for: Robarts Library at the University of Toronto
Library Name = Robarts
Click on FIND button
1 of 2 Search results: OTU (University of Toronto, Robarts Humanities and Social Sciences Library)
You cannot use boolean operators (AND OR NOT) in these fields.
3. Use a % sign to denote truncation.
If you are looking for part of a phrase, you can use the % sign after a term.
- e.g. To obtain a summary listing of all libraries with ARIEL addresses:
Electronic Address Type = Ariel and
Electronic Address field = % or blank
Click on FIND button
- e.g. To obtain a summary listing of library symbols starting with OOP:
Library Symbol = oop%
Click on FIND button
4. Search results are sorted by Library Symbol.
5. You can use the features in your Browser to navigate this interface. For example, you can use the BACK button or the GO option in Netscape to return to previous screens in the search.