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Services to the Public: Preparing for a Visit


Library and Archives Canada (LAC), 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa


  • Access ramp in the front
  • Automatic door openers in all areas open to the public
  • Two elevators providing access to all areas open to the public
  • Evacuation chairs which are designed for people with disabilities and allow them, with the help of staff, to use the stairs in an emergency
  • Wheelchair accessible pay phones on the ground, second and third floors
  • Accessible public washrooms for people with disabilities
Elevators   Automatic door openers

Available Equipment

  • Computerized workstations available for people with disabilities (adjustable table and large screen)
  • Computerized workstations available to people with a visual impairment (Magic screen enlarger and Jaws software; Braille keyboard available on request)
  • Magnifying glass available on request
  • Viewers capable of enlarging characters of books and microfiches for people with visual impairments


In the parking lot located on the east side of the building, two parking spots are reserved for cars displaying a handicapped parking permit.


Both City of Ottawa (OC Transpo) and City of Gatineau (STO) public transit systems provide paratransit services.


  • LAC's website is an amalgamation of the National Archives of Canada's and the National Library of Canada's former sites. Because the two previous sites were created through different technical processes, it was not possible to incorporate some of the accessibility features in all the pages. Over time, we will be working to bring all the pages of LAC's website to a consistent standard.
  • LAC has already implemented many important accessibility features on its website: see Accessibility at Library and Archives Canada
  • LAC supports the Council on Access to Information for Print-Disabled Canadians
  • We welcome any suggestions for improving the accessibility features of our website. Please contact us at web@lac-bac.gc.ca.