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Facilities and Regulations

Regulations Governing the Use of Research Materials and Facilities

  1. Researchers are asked to leave in the ground floor cloakroom or lockers their personal belongings such as, their outerwear (raincoats, overcoats, etc.), briefcases, dictaphones, umbrellas, food and beverages, as well as any other item that could possibly cause damage to the material or facilities.

  2. As part of the Self-Serve Digital Copying Service, researchers are allowed to bring their digital and non-digital cameras in the research and consultation facilities. This service is offered from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Researchers who wish to make copies must consult a staff member. It is forbidden to take photographs of anyone or anything on LAC premises, except the documents allowed under the Self-Serve Digital Copying Service. Researchers must return their camera to the ground floor lockers at 4:30 p.m.

    For preservation reasons, researchers are not allowed to make their own copies of archival documents (preserved in cardboard boxes) at the self-serve photocopier station.

  3. Researchers are allowed to bring into the research and consultation rooms one small bag not exceeding 25 cm x 25 cm x 30 cm, a laptop computer and their research material. They can request plastic bags at the commissionaires' post to carry their research material and laptop computer. The contents of all plastic bags as well as any material carried into the research areas will be systematically checked.

  4. As a safety measure, as soon as the alarm signal is set off, researchers must evacuate the building immediately using the stairs, and not the elevators. Once outside, they are asked to gather at one of the assembly points to the east or west side of the building. At all times during evacuation, researchers must follow instructions given either by personnel or by Building Emergency Organization staff. Researchers who would require assistance if it became necessary to evacuate the building are asked to notify the commissionaires to that effect every time they enter the building.

  5. The dining room of the cafeteria, located on the 5th floor and open from 8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., is the only area where consumption of food and beverages is permitted. Smoking is prohibited in the building. Use of a dictaphone and a cellular phone, except to have access to the Internet Wireless Access Service, is prohibited in the Reference and Consultation Rooms.

  6. Collection material must be consulted in the Consultation Rooms, except if an authorization has been granted by a staff member. Under no other circumstances is material to be removed from these rooms; it may be stored, however, in specially designed lockers.

  7. Researchers are responsible for the condition of the documents and must therefore handle them with care and attention. The use of pens and markers is not permitted in the Consultation Rooms. White cotton gloves are provided and must be worn during the consultation of consultation of rare and fragile items, of microforms and during the consultation of certain documents from the special collections. Researchers will be held accountable for any damage done to material (e.g. marking or defacing items, bending pages) or loss of material signed out in their name.

  8. Library and Archives Canada reserves the right to impose reasonable limits on the amount of material that can be signed out by a researcher at any one time.

  9. Researchers are not admitted into the stack areas nor the staff's office areas unless they have made special arrangements to that effect and are accompanied at all times by a staff member. Researchers' user cards must be clearly displayed at all times.

  10. Researchers must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and refrain from any behaviour likely to cause inconvenience or annoyance to other researchers and staff. Loud, threatening, disrespectful or abusive language and/or behaviour will not be tolerated.

  11. Researchers making use of the Internet service are not permitted to contribute to nor alter existing information on the Internet, to play games or to download software, nor to send, receive or display text or graphics which are illegal or may be construed as obscene or offensive. Failure to use this service in a responsible manner may result in the suspension of the Internet access privilege (Acceptable Use Policy, LAC).

The use of Library and Archives Canada's materials and facilities is a privilege. By signing their user card, all researchers agree to abide by the above-mentioned regulations. We reserve the right to cancel the borrowing and/or on-site user privileges of any person who contravenes these regulations.