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General Information

Benedict, Michael, ed. In the Face of Disaster: True Stories of Canadian Heroism from the Archives of Maclean's. Toronto: Penguin Books, 2001.

Canada. Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources. Water: A Great Natural Resource. Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1957.

Canadian Disaster Database. Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Communauté urbaine de Montréal (Québec). Water, An Asset Worth Protecting. Montréal: The Communauté, [1986?].

De Vailly L., Sylvie-Catherine. L'eau : le défi du siècle. Outremont, Québec: Éditions Publistar, 2005.

Disasters HQ.com.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Dwyer, Terry. Wreck Hunter: The Quest for Lost Shipwrecks. East Lawrencetown, N.S.: Pottersfield Press, 2004.

Looker, Janet. Disaster Canada. Toronto: Lynx Images, 2000.

Module 12 / Water Vapour and the Water Cycle. Project Atmosphere Canada Initiative. Environment Canada.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Ontario. Ministry of the Environment. Operation Clean Water: A Progress Report. [Toronto: Ontario Ministry of the Environment, 2000].

Saskatchewan. Legislative Library. Hot Topics: Water. [Regina]: Saskatchewan Legislative Library, 2001.

Tudor, Carol. EPC Electronic Disaster Database and its Characteristics. Ottawa: Emergency Preparedness Canada, 1997. Also available online at

Unitarian Service Committee of Canada. Water, A Source Of Life, A Carrier Of Disease. Ottawa: USC Canada, [1983].

Table of Contents

Newfoundland Tsunami

Canadian Disaster Database. Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada.
(accessed January 4, 2006).

Cranford, Garry. Tidal Wave: A List of Victims and Survivors. St. John's, Nfld.: Flanker Press, 2000.

Disasters HQ.com.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador. Edited by Joseph R. Smallwood. St. John's, Nfld.: Smallwood Heritage Foundation, 1991.

Encyclopedia of Newfoundland & Labrador [electronic resource]. Version 1.00b. St. John's, Nfld: Harry Cuff Pub., 1997.

Etkin, David, et al., eds. An Assessment of Natural Hazards and Disasters in Canada. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.

The Grand Banks Earthquake and Tsunami. CBC Archives.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Hanrahan, Maura. Tsunami: The Newfoundland Tidal Wave Disaster. St. John's, Nfld: Flanker Press, 2004.

Ruffman, Alan. Tsunami Runup Mapping as an Emergency Preparedness Planning Tool: The 1929 Tsunami in St. Lawrence, Newfoundland. [Ottawa: Emergency Preparedness Canada], 1997. Also available online at

"Thirty-Six are Dead, Houses Swept Away by Giant Tidal Wave." Toronto Star. November 22, 1929, p. 1.

Table of Contents

Saguenay Flood

Benedict, Michael, ed. In the Face of Disaster: True Stories of Canadian Heroism from the Archives of Maclean's. Toronto: Penguin Books, 2001.

Brooks, Gregory Robert, and D.E. Lawrence. Geomorphic Effects and Impacts of Severe Flooding: Photographic Examples from the Saguenay Area. Ottawa: Geological Survey of Canada, 1998.

Canada. Plan d'action fédéral sur les aspects environnementaux reliés aux inondations au Saguenay en 1996, rapport annuel. Sainte-Foy, Quebec: Government of Canada, Secrétariat du Comité interministériel de coordination sur l'environnement, 1998.

Canadian Disaster Database. Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada.
(accessed January 4, 2006).

Dion, Kenneth Michael. Channel Morphology and the Distribution of Juvenile Atlantic Salmon Habitat in the Ste. Marguerite River Following the Historic Saguenay Flood of July 1996 [microform]. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, [2000].

Disasters HQ.com.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Hamel, François. Saguenay, été 1996. Montréal: Éditions Trustar, 1996

Looker, Janet. Disaster Canada. Toronto: Lynx Images, 2000.

Maltais, Danielle. Catastrophes en milieu rural. First edition. Chicoutimi, Quebec: Éditions JCL, 2003.

Milbrandt, Jason. A Modeling Study of an Extreme Precipitation Event: The Saguenay Flood [microform]. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, [2000].

Symposium on the Saguenay Flood (1998: Québec, Quebec). Synopsis of the Symposium on the Saguenay Flood. Supervised by Jacques Locat, Christiane Gagnon and Émilien Pelletier. Ottawa: Emergency Preparedness Canada, 1999.

The Top Ten Weather Stories of 1996. Environment Canada.
accessed July 26, 2005).

"Vrai deluge au Saguenay." La Presse. July 21, 1996, p. 1.

Walsh, Gordon, and Alain Bourgeois, eds. July 1996 Floods in Quebec: Identification of Potential Impacts on the Marine Environment and Freshwater Habitats in the Saguenay, North Shore, and Charlevoix regions. Mont-Joli, Quebec: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 1996.

Table of Contents

Winnipeg Flood

Benedict, Michael, ed. In the Face of Disaster: True Stories of Canadian Heroism from the Archives of Maclean's. Toronto: Penguin Books, 2001.

Bumsted, J. M. The Manitoba Flood of 1950: An Illustrated History. Winnipeg: Watson and Dwyer, 1993.

Canada. Red River Basin Investigation. Report on Investigations into Measures for the Reduction of the Flood Hazard in the Greater Winnipeg Area. Ottawa: Water Resources Division, 1953.

Canadian Disaster Database. Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Canadian Red Cross Society. Manitoba Division. Call 320: a Documentary Record of the 1950 Manitoba Flood and Red Cross Activities in the Disaster. [Winnipeg]: Manitoba Division, Canadian Red Cross Society, 1950.

Disasters HQ.com.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Greater Winnipeg Dyking Board. Final Report Describing the Nature of the Emergency Precautions Carried Out in the Greater Winnipeg Area to Guard Against the Recurrence of Major Flood Conditions. [Winnipeg: s.n.], 1951.

Looker, Janet. Disaster Canada. Toronto: Lynx Images, 2000.

Manitoba. Red River Valley Board. Red River Valley Board Report to the Hon. Douglas L. Campbell. Manitoba: [s.n.], 1951.

River Rampant. Winnipeg: Stovel Press, [1950].

Top Weather Events of the 20th Century. Environment Canada.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Winnipeg Tribune. May 18, 1950.

Young, Scott. The Flood. Toronto, McClelland, 1956.

Table of Contents


Frank Slide

Anderson, Frank. "The Frank Slide." Tragedies of the Crowsnest Pass. Surrey, B.C.: Heritage House, 1999, p. 10-45.

_____. The Saga of the Frank Slide: Turtle Mountain Disaster. Saskatoon: F.W. Anderson, 1986.

Buckley, Karen. Danger, Death and Disaster in the Crowsnest Pass Mines 1902-1928. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2004.

Canada. Department of the Interior. Report on the Great Landslide at Frank, Alberta, 1903. Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1904.

Cousins, William James. A History of the Crow's Nest Pass. Lethbridge: Historic Trails Society of Alberta, 1981.

Crayford, Gordon H. Recollections of the Frank Slide. Lacombe, Alberta: G.H. Crayford, 1986.

_____. A Video Trip Through the History of the Frank Slide [videorecording]. Lacombe, Alberta: G.H. Crayford, 1997. 28 minutes.

Crowsnest Historical Society. "Frank Slide Stories and Visitor Centre." Crowsnest and Its People. Millennium Edition. Coleman, Alberta: Crowsnest Historical Society, 2000.

Cruden, D.M. "Report on the Great Landslide at Frank." Alberta History. Vol. 50, no. 2 (2002), p. 16-21.

Felske, Lorry W. "The Great Rock Slide at Frank." Harm's Way: Disasters in Western Canada. Edited by Anthony Rasporich and Max Foran. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2004, p. 69-95.

Field, Monica, and David McIntyre. On the Edge of Destruction. Crowsnest Pass, Alberta: Frank Slide Interpretive Centre, 2003.

Frank. University of Lethbridge.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Frank Slide Interpretive Centre.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

"Full Details of Disaster at Frank." Calgary Daily Herald. April 30, 1903, p. 1, 4.

Kerr, J. William. Frank Slide. [Calgary: Barker Pub., 1990].

Looker, Janet. "The Frank Slide." Disaster Canada. Toronto: Lynx Images, 2000, p. 74-82.

McConnell, R. G., and R. W. Brock. Report on the Great Landslide at Frank, Alta., 1903. Edmonton: Edmonton Geological Society, 2003.

"Mine Disasters." Crowsnest Coal Mining Disasters. Canadian Museum of Rail Travel.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Rasky, Frank. "Alberta's Avalanche." Great Canadian Disasters. Toronto: Longman's, 1961, p. 96-117.

"The Rock-Slide at Frank." Canadian Engineer. Vol. 10, no. 6 (June 1903), p. 154, 164-66.

Smith, Frank B., and Raoul Green. "The Frank Disaster." Canadian Mining Review. Vol. 22, no. 5 (May 1903), p. 102-110.

Stewart, D.A. "A Disaster in the Rockies." The Canadian Magazine. Vol. 21, no. 3 (1903), p. 227-233.

"Terrible Calamity at Frank." Calgary Daily Herald. April 29, 1903, p. 1.

Yackulic, George A. "The Slide That Shook the West." In the Face of Disaster: True Stories of Canadian Heroes from the Archives of Maclean's. Edited by Michael Benedict. Toronto: Viking, 2000, p. 3-14.

Table of Contents

Québec Rockslide

Anderson, Duncan. Lays of Canada and Other Poems. Montréal: J. Lovell, 1890, p. 66-71.

Baillairgé, Charles. The Quebec Land Slide of 1889. Montréal, 1893.

Canada. Commission to Investigate the Nature and Extent of Losses Incurred by Inhabitants of Quebec City in Consequence of the Landslide that Occurred in September, 1889. Report [microform]. Toronto: Micromedia Ltd, n.d.

"La catastrophe de Québec." Le monde illustré. October 5, 1889, p. 180, 183.

"A Dreadful Catastrophe." Quebec Daily Mercury. September 20, 1889, p. 1.

"Une effroyable catastrophe." L'électeur. September 20, 1889, p. 1.

Falling Rocks and Landslides: Gravity at Work. Québec Geoscience Centre.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Looker, Janet. "The Rockfall Quebec City, Quebec." Disaster Canada. Toronto: Lynx Images, 2000, p. 83.

"The Terrible Calamity Which Visited Quebec in 1889 - The Rock Slide That Killed Scores - Thrilling Escapes." The Standard. Literary Edition. Vol. 8, no. 19 (May 11, 1912), p. 1, 5.

"Terrible desastre." Le journal de Québec. No. 117 (September 20, 1889), p. 2.

Table of Contents

Springhill Mining Disasters

Brown, James B. Miracle Town: Springhill, Nova Scotia 1790-1982. Hantsport, N.S.: 1983.

Brown, Roger David. Blood on the Coal. Revised Edition. Halifax, N.S.: Nimbus Pub., 2002.

Burden, Arnold. Fifty Years of Emergencies. Hantsport, N.S.: Lancelot Press, 1991.

Campbell, Bertha J., et al. Springhill, Our Goodly Heritage: History, Happenings, Homes. Springhill, N.S.: Springhill Heritage Group, 1989.

"50 Bodies Found: 24 Missing." Truro Daily News. November 3, 1958, p. 12.

Greene, Melissa Faye. Last Man Out: The Story of the Springhill Mine Disaster. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt, 2003.

Herd, Walter. Bumps in No. 2 Mine, Springhill, Nova Scotia. [New York?: American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1929].

Lerner, Leonard. Miracle at Springhill. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960.

Looker, Janet. "The Bump." Disaster Canada. Toronto: Lynx Images, 2000, p. 65-70.

"Lost and Found Sound: Springhill." This Morning 20/7/01. CBC.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

More Blood on the Coal in '58. CBC Archives.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Morrow, R.A.H. Story of the Springhill Disaster: Comprising a Full and Authentic Account of the Great Coal Mining Explosion at Springhill Mines, Nova Scotia, February 21st, 1891, Including a History of Springhill and Its Collieries. Saint John, N.B.: R.A.H. Morrow, 1891.

"1958 Bump." Springhill Miners' Museum. Town of Springhill N.S.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

"91 Miners Are Trapped." Truro Daily News. October 24, 1958, p. 12.

Nova Scotia. Royal Commission on the Springhill Mine Explosion. Report of the Royal Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Explosion and Fire in No. 4 Mine at Springhill, N.S. on the First day of November, 1956. Halifax: Queen's Printer, 1957.

Nova Scotia. Royal Commission on the Upheaval or Fall in No. 2 Mine, Springhill. Report of the Royal Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Upheaval or Fall or Other Disturbance Sometimes Referred to as a Bump in No. 2 Mine at Springhill, in the County of Cumberland, Province of Nova Scotia. Halifax: Province of Nova Scotia, 1958.

Rasky, Frank. "Trapped in the Springhill Coal Mine." Great Canadian Disasters. Toronto: Longman's, 1961, p. 118-142.

Springhill Miners' Museum. Town of Springhill N.S.
accessed July 26, 2005).

"Voices from the Deep: the Springhill Mine Disaster." Moments in History. CBC.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Table of Contents


General Information

Canadian Disaster Database. Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Diotte, K. Black Friday. [Edmonton]: Edmonton Sun, [1987].

Kennedy, B. Hurricane Hazel. Toronto: Macmillan, 1979.

Table of Contents

Hurricane Hazel

Canadian Disaster Database. Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada.
(accessed January 4, 2006).

Gifford, Jim. Hurricane Hazel: Canada's Storm of the Century. Toronto: Dundurn Group, 2004.

Hurricane History. National Hurricane Centre (U.S.A.).
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Kennedy, B. Hurricane Hazel. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1979.

Remembering Hurricane Hazel, 1954 -- 50 Year Anniversary. Environment Canada.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Various articles in the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Daily Star, Oct. 16-30, 1954.

Table of Contents

Regina Tornado

Anderson, F.W. Regina's Terrible Tornado. Aldergrove, B.C.: Frontier Publishing Ltd., 1968.

Brennan, P.H. "It's an Ill Wind that Blows Nobody Good: Regina's 1912 'Cyclone.'" Harm's way: Disasters in Western Canada. Edited by A. Rasporich and M. Foran. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2004, p. 129-156.

Canadian Disaster Database. Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada.
(accessed January 4, 2006).

Rasky, F. "The Tornado that Blew Down Regina." Great Canadian Disasters. Toronto: Longmans Green & Company, 1961, p. 48-67.

Various newspaper articles in the Regina Leader-Post.

Table of Contents

Trans-Canada Airlines Crash

[Article on Accidents Caused by Horizontal Stabilizer Malfunctions]. AirlineSafety.com
(accessed July 26, 2005).

Canada. Commission of Inquiry. Report of Commission of Inquiry into Crash of Trans-Canada Air Lines DC-8F Aircraft CF-TJN at Ste. Therese de Blainville, P.Q. on 29th November, 1963. [Montréal: s.n., 1965].

Canadian Disaster Database. Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada. http://www.psepc-sppcc.gc.ca/res/em/cdd/index-en.asp (accessed July 26, 2005).

"Losing Altitude: A History of Air Canada." CBC Archives.
(accessed December 19, 2005).

Needham, R.J. "Air Crash: The Lingering Cost of Disaster." In the Face of Disaster: True Stories of Canadian Heroes from the Archives of Maclean's. Edited by Michael Benedict. Toronto: Penguin Books, 2001, p. 290-297.

(accessed July 26, 2005).

Various newspaper articles in Montreal Gazette, La Presse, Toronto Daily Star, Globe and Mail, and Ottawa Citizen.

Table of Contents


Halifax Explosion

Armstrong, John Griffith. The Halifax Explosion and the Royal Canadian Navy: Inquiry and Intrigue. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2002.

Bird, Michael J. The Town that Died: The True Story of the Greatest Manmade Explosion Before Hiroshima. Halifax, N.S.: Nimbus, 1995.

City of Ruins: The Halifax Explosion [videorecording]. Toronto: CBC, 2003.

Devastated Halifax: Views of the Greatest Disaster in the History of the American Continent. 2nd Edition. Halifax, N.S.: Gerald E. Weir, 1917.

"Épouvantable catastrophe." La Presse. Vol. 34, no. 30 (December 6, 1917), p. 1.

Flemming, David. Explosion in Halifax Harbour: The Illustrated Account of a Disaster that Shook the World. Halifax, N.S.: Formac Pub. Co., 2004.

"Halifax City is Wrecked." The Toronto Daily Star. Vol. 26 (December 6, 1917), p. 1.

"Halifax Dead May Be 2,000." The Globe. Vol. 74, no. 21184 (December 7, 1917), p. 1.

The Halifax Explosion. CBC.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

The Halifax Explosion. CBC Archives.
(accessed January 4, 2006).

"Halifax Explosion." Guide to Archival Materials on Halifax Explosion. Library and Archives Canada.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

The Halifax Explosion. Halifax Regional Municipality. http://www.halifaxexplosion.org/ (accessed December 19, 2005).

The Halifax Explosion. Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. http://museum.gov.ns.ca/mma/AtoZ/halexpl.html (accessed July 26, 2005).

Halifax Explosion: December 6, 1917. Compiled and edited by Graham Metson. Including the complete text of The Halifax Disaster by Archibald MacMechan. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1978.

Halifax Explosion 1917 Online Resources. Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

National Film Board of Canada. Just One Big Mess: The Halifax Explosion, 1918 [videorecording]. Directed by Cheryl Lean. Montreal, Quebec: National Film Board of Canada, 1990.

Kitz, Janet F. Shattered City: The Halifax Explosion and the Road to Recovery. Halifax, N.S.: Nimbus, 2004.

McCarron, Owen. Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, A Part of the Nova Scotia Museum Presents A Graphic Calendar of Events, the December to Remember. Halifax: Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, 1999.

McKinnon, Dan. "Remember Me." Between Wind & Water [sound recording]. Halifax, N.S.: Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, [1997?].

Monnon, Mary Ann. Miracles and Mysteries: The Halifax Explosion December 6, 1917. Windsor, N.S.: Lancelot Press, 1977.

Ruffman, Alan, and Colin D. Howell, eds.Ground Zero: A Reassessment of the 1917 Explosion in Halifax Harbour. Halifax, N.S.: Copublished by Nimbus Pub. and Gorsebrook Research Institute for Atlantic Canada Studies at St. Mary's University, 1994.

Scanlon, Joseph. "Source of Threat and Source of Assistance: The Maritime Aspects of the 1917 Halifax Explosion." The Northern Mariner. Vol. 10, no. 4 (October 2000), p. 3950

Shattered City: the Halifax Explosion [DVD videorecording]. [Toronto]: CBC Home Video, 2003.

Smith, Stanley K. The Drama of a City: The Story of Stricken Halifax. New York: Gerald E. Weir, 1918.

Tragedy on the Home Front. Library and Archives Canada.
(accessed July 26, 2005).

"Un terrible désastre visite la ville de Halifax." L'Évangeline. Vol. 8, no. 26 (December 12, 1917), p. 5.

Table of Contents

New Westminster Fire

"Gone Up in a Hell of Roaring Flame." The Province. Vol. 5 (September 12, 1898), p. 12.

"The Great Fire." City of New Westminster. Fire and Rescue Services.
(accessed December 19, 2005).

"L'incendie de Westminster." Le Temps. Vol. D, no. 254 (September 13, 1898), p. 1.

Miller, Archie. The Great Fire of 1898: The Devastation and Rebirth of Downtown New Westminster. New Westminster, B.C.: A Sense of History Research Services, 1998.

"Swept by the Flames." The Globe. Vol. 54, no. 15153 (September 12, 1898), p. 12.

"Une conflagration." La Presse. Vol. 14, no. 262 (September 12, 1898), p. 5.

Woodland, Alan. New Westminster: The Early Years, 1858-1898. New Westminster, B.C.: Nunaga Pub. Co., 1973.

Table of Contents

Porcupine Fire

Barnes, Michael. Gold in the Porcupine! Cobalt, Ont.: Highway Book Shop, 1975.

_____. Killer in the Bush: The Great Fires of Northeastern Ontario. Cobalt, Ont.: Highway Book Shop, 2004.

The Book of Timmins and the Porcupine: Official Publication of the Celebration of Timmins Silver Jubilee and Porcupine Old Home Week, 1937. Timmins, Ont.: Lions Club, 1937.

"Des villes entières détruites par le feu." Le Temps. Vol. O, no. 236 (July 12, 1911), p. 1, 8.

Draper, Keith. Porcupine Camp, Tisdale Township. South Porcupine, Ont.: K. Draper, 2000.

"40 Lives Lost in Fire at Porcupine, Casualites to Run into Hundreds." The Toronto Daily Star. Vol. 19 (July 12, 1911), p. 1, 6.

"Hundreds Die in Forest Fires." The New York Times. Vol. 60, no. 19528 (July 13, 1911), p. 1, 4.

"Une immense mer de flammes noie les mines de Porcupine." La Presse. Vol. 27, no. 213 (July 13, 1911), p. 12.

"Northern Ontario Swept by a Roaring Wall of Fire." The Globe. Vol. 68, no. 19178 (July 12, 1911), p. 12.

"Terrible Disaster in Northern Ontario Three Hundred Miles of Bush Ablaze." The Citizen. Vol. 68, no. 32 (July 12, 1911), p. 1.

Table of Contents


Chilkoot Pass Avalanche

Backhouse, Frances, and Adrian Dorst. Hiking with Ghosts: the Chilkoot Trail. Vancouver: Raincoast Books, 1999.

"Chilkoot Trail." Yukon - Canada's True North. Tourism Yukon, 2001.
(accessed December 19, 2005).

Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site of Canada. Parks Canada.
(accessed December 19, 2005).

Greer, Sheila. Skookum Stories on the Chilkoot/Dyea Trail: Carcross-Tagish First Nation. [Whitehorse, Yukon]: Carcross-Tagish First Nation, 1995.

Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park. United States National Parks Service.
(accessed December 19, 2005).

McCune, Don. Trail to the Klondike. Pullman, Washington: Washington State University Press, 1997.

National Historic Sites of Canada in the Klondike. Parks Canada.
(accessed December 19, 2005).

Neufeld, David H, and Frank Norris. Chilkoot Trail: Heritage Route to the Klondike. Whitehorse, Yukon: Lost Moose, 1996.

Satterfield, Archie. Chilkoot Pass: Then and Now. Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Northwest Pub. Co., 1973.

_____. Chilkoot Pass: the Most Famous Trail in the North. Revised and expanded edition. Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Northwest Pub. Co., 1978.

Table of Contents

1998 Ice Storm

Abley, Mark. The Ice Storm: an Historic Record in Photographs of January 1998. Toronto: M&S;, 1998.

_____, ed. Stories from the Ice Storm. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1999.

"Additional Clips about the Ice Storm of 1998." Disasters and Tragedies - Extreme Weather. CBC Archives.
(accessed December 19, 2005).

Ice Storm 98: Main Page. Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment Canada.
(accessed December 19, 2005).

"Ice Storm '98 Study" [computer file]. Kingston, Ont.: Queen's University, 1998.

"Ice Storm of 1998." Disasters and Tragedies - Extreme Weather. CBC Archives.
(accessed December 19, 2005).

"The Ice Storm of 1998." For Teachers. CBC Archives.
(accessed December 19, 2005).

Report by the Nicolet Commission. Gouvernement du Québec.
(accessed May 12, 2006).

Statistics Canada. The St. Lawrence River Valley 1998 Ice Storm: Maps and Facts = La tempête de verglas de 1998 dans la vallée du Saint-Laurent : cartes et faits. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, [1998].

Van Dyke, Olesia. A Literature Review of Ice Storm Impacts on Forests in Eastern North America. North Bay: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Southcentral Sciences Section, 1999.

Table of Contents

Sinking of the Titanic

Ballard, Robert D, and Rick Archbold. The Discovery of the Titanic. Toronto: Madison Press Books, 1987.

Beed, Blair. Titanic Victims in Halifax Graveyards. Halifax, N.S.: DTours Visitors and Convention Service, 2001.

Beesley, Lawrence, and Jack Winocour. The Story of the Titanic, as Told by Its Survivors. New York: Dover Publications, 1960.

Bottomore, Stephen. The Titanic and Silent Cinema. East Sussex [England]: Projection Box, 2000.

Brown, Richard. Voyage of the Iceberg: the Story of the Iceberg that Sank the Titanic. Toronto: Lorimer, 1983.

Collins, L. Marmaduke. The Sinking of the Titanic: an Ice Pilot's Perspective. St. John's, Nfld.: Breakwater, 2002.

Gracie, Archibald. Titanic. Originally published as The Truth about the Titanic. Gloucester: A. Sutton; Toronto: NC Press, 1986.

Heyer, Paul. Titanic Legacy: Disaster as Media Event and Myth. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1995.

Hustak, Alan. Titanic: the Canadian Story. Montréal: Véhicule Press, 1998.

Jeffers, Alan, and Robert Gordon. Titanic Halifax: a Guide to Sites. Halifax, N.S.: Nimbus, 1998.

Kohl, Cris. Titanic : the Great Lakes Connections. West Chicago, IL: Seawolf Communications, 2000.

"The Loss of the Titanic, Sunday, April 14th, 1912" [microform]. Toronto: Meaford Novelty [1913?].

Lynch, Don, and Ken Marschall. Titanic: an Illustrated History. Toronto: Penguin Books Canada, 1992.

MacInnis, Joe. Exploring the Titanic at the Speed of Light. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 2005.

McCluskie, Tom. Anatomy of the Titanic. [Toronto]: Prospero Books, 1998.

McCluskie, Tom, Leo Marriott, and Mike Sharpe. Titanic & Her Sisters Olympic & Britannic. San Diego: Thunder Bay Press, 1998.

"Online Info Sheet." The Unsinkable Ship and Halifax. Maritime Museum of the Atlantic
(accessed December 19, 2005).

The Sinking of the Titanic: Thrilling Stories of Survivors with Photographs and Sketches. Halifax, N.S.: Nimbus, 1998.

Thomas, Joseph L., and Anna Thomas. Grandma Survived the Titanic. Victoria, B.C.: Trafford, 2002.

Tibballs, Geoff. The Titanic: the Extraordinary Story of the "Unsinkable" Ship. Vancouver: Raincoast Books, 1997.

Titanic and the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic Research Page. Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, 2003.
(accessed December 19. 2005).

Titanica [videorecording]. Directed by Stephen Low. Produced by André Picard and Joseph MacInnis. Toronto: Imax Corp., 1991.

The Unsinkable Ship and Halifax. Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, 2003.
(accessed December 19, 2005).

[Wireless log]. Government of Nova Scotia, 1998.
(accessed December 19, 2005).

Table of Contents

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