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What's New on The Virtual Gramophone -- June 2006

The Virtual Gramophone is pleased to continue its retrospective of eminent Canadian classical musicians. We have added two new biographies, those of renowned soprano Florence Easton and tenor Edward Johnson.

  Edward Johnson, General Manager, Metropolitan Opera Association

As part of our research on Canada's classical music traditions, the History section of The Virtual Gramophone expands with the addition of a new essay by Bryan Dewalt, from the Canada Science and Technology Museum, on the history of sound recording and record players in Canada.

We have also added videos to our collection. Among the highlights is a video of an Edison phonograph playing the recordings "O Canada" by Irving Gillette and "Medley of French-Canadian Airs" by the Edison Concert Band, as well as one of a Berliner gramophone held in Library and Archives Canada's collection.

The database, which continues to grow, now features over 13,000 titles. These can be searched from any page on the site using the Collection Search button. To help you search through the collection, we have added a Search Help page.

We have also added over 300 complete sound recordings (available in both MP3 and RealAudio formats). There are now more than 4,700 audio files available on The Virtual Gramophone. Click on the Listen button to see our latest offerings, or to browse through the whole collection of audio files.

You can also listen to the site's digital content via a podcast. Using the supplied podcast channels and instructions, you can now enjoy a selection of content chosen by The Virtual Gramophone team.

Your feedback is always welcome. Click on the Comments button to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.