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Displaying and keying Naskapi syllabics

The Naskapi Lexicon website incorporates two different character-encoding schemes to support the display and keying of Naskapi syllabics. The system requirements to use this site are based on the software that is currently available for UNICODE and the compatibility of these tools with common operating systems. As implementation of the UNICODE standard becomes more widespread, and additional software is created, this section will be revised to include new updates and instructions for system configuration.

System Requirements

The minimum system requirements are:

  • Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 or XP
  • Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
  • Netscape Navigator 4.0 or higher

In addition, you must download the following software:

  • BJCree UNI font
  • Naskapi ANSI font
  • Naskapi keyboard driver
  • Tavultesoft Keyman Keyboard Manager

Configuring your system to use the Naskapi Lexicon website

There are two options for configuring your system:

Option 1 uses a pre-packaged program to install the required fonts, keyboard manager and keyboard driver on your computer. This option is preferable because it requires that you download only one file and then double click the file to complete the set up.

Option 2 provides all of the required files and a description of how to manually install each component. This option is more complex, but may be used if you want complete control over how the required elements are installed on your system.

Option 1

  1. Click here to download NasKeysLT.exe. This is a pre-packaged program that will install the required components on your system.

  2. Double click NasKeysLT.exe and select "Install". This will install the appropriate fonts, keyboard mappings and the pre-configured Tavultesoft Keyman software. During installation, the program will recommend a default folder for the files. We recommend that you accept this default installation folder.

  3. Configure your Internet browser, following the instructions for Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer, as applicable.

  4. Refer to the section on Using the Keyman keyboard for details on how to activate and use the Naskapi keyboard to input Naskapi syllabics.

Option 2

  1. Go to the Tavultesoft website and download the Tavultesoft Keyman version 6 software (Keyman6-0-155-0.exe or higher). Save the file to a folder on your PC.

  2. Locate the downloaded file (Keyman6-0-155-0.exe) on your PC and double click on it to install Keyman 6.0. During installation, the program will recommend a default folder for the files. We recommend that you accept the defaults.

  3. Click here to download the Naskapi.exe file (327 KB). This is a zipped file that contains the required fonts and keyboard drivers to support viewing and keying of Naskapi syllabics.

  4. Double click on the Naskapi.exe file and extract the file to c:\program files\tavultesoft.

  5. From the "Start" button, choose "Programs", then "Tavultesoft Keyman" and then "Keyman", to start the Keyman software. Starting the program will place a Keyman icon on your taskbar.

    Keyman taskbar icon. This is the Keyman taskbar icon.

  6. Right click the Keyman icon and select "Keyman Configuration" from the menu.

  7. Click the "Install Keyboard …" button and navigate to the c:\program files\tavultesoft\ directory.

  8. Double click on the nasansi3.kmx file and click the "Install" button to install the Naskapi ANSI keyboard mapping. You should see the following message: "The nasansi3.kmx was installed successfully". Click "OK".

  9. Click the "OK" button to close the Keyman configuration program.

  10. From the Windows "Start" button, choose "Settings", then "Control Panel".

  11. Double click on the Fonts folder.

  12. Choose "File" and then "Install New Font . . ." from the menu.

  13. Navigate to the c:\program files\tavultesoft folder

  14. Select each of the BJCree Uni (True Type) (2) and Naskapi ANSI (True Type) (4) fonts or choose "Select All".

  15. Click "OK" to install the fonts. Close the Fonts folder.

  16. Configure your Internet browser, following the instructions for Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer, as applicable.

  17. Refer to the section on Using the Keyman keyboard for details on how to activate and use the Naskapi keyboard to input Naskapi syllabics.

Configuring your Internet browser

Once you have installed the necessary software for displaying and typing Naskapi syllabics, you must configure your Internet browser:

Netscape Navigator

  1. Netscape Navigator 4.0 is a minimum requirement.

  2. Start Netscape.

  3. Under the Edit menu, select "Preferences".

  4. In the Preferences window, select the category "Appearance", and then "fonts".

  5. In the pull-down menu beside "For the Encoding", select "Unicode".

  6. In the pull-down menu beside "Variable Width font" select "BJCree Uni".

  7. Click on "OK".

Internet Explorer

  1. Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 is a minimum requirement.

  2. Start Internet Explorer.

  3. Under the Tools menu, select "Internet Options".

  4. Under the General tab, click on the "Fonts . . ." button.

  5. With the language script field set at "CanSyllabics", select "BJCree Uni". The language field may show up as "Canadian Syllabics" on some systems.

  6. Click "OK".

  7. Restart your browser.

Using the Keyman keyboard

  1. From the "Start" button, choose "Programs", then "Tavultesoft" and then "Keyman" to start the Keyman software. A small screen with the title "Tavultesoft Keyboard Manager" will briefly flash across the screen as the program loads. This screen will disappear and a small icon will appear in the taskbar tray.

    Keyman taskbar icon. This is the Keyman taskbar icon.

  2. Click on the Keyman icon. A small window will pop up. Within the window, select "Naskapi (common)". The icon in the tray will change to let you know that the keyboard is active.

    Icon to indicate that the Naskapi (common) keyboard is active. This is the icon to indicate that the Naskapi (common) keyboard is active.

  3. The Naskapi ansi keyboard layout is designed so that the user types the standard, Roman equivalent spelling of a Naskapi word in order to create Naskapi syllabics. Typing the Naskapi Roman spelling of a word will produce the Naskapi syllabic. Double vowels have no effect (that is, type "paa" and you still get "pa"). "Ch" is "c" or "ch". If you type Naskapi words the way they sound, you will be typing in Naskapi syllabics. For details, see the Naskapi syllabic chart.

  4. To change back to the English keyboard, just click on the Keyman icon in the tray and select "No Keyman Keyboard".