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Treaties, Surrenders and Agreements
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The Database

Library and Archives Canada (LAC) holds an extensive, but not a complete, collection of historic Canadian Indian treaties, land surrenders, and related agreements (ITS). The collection contains a variety of documents that span more than 275 years, including a May 1680 seigneurial grant to the Jesuits in New France, and a 1956 adhesion to western Treaty 6 (1876). These historical records, many of which are reserve land surrenders, are of particular interest and cultural importance to Canada's Aboriginal peoples. For more information pertaining to the history of the treaties, surrenders and agreements held at Library and Archives Canada, visit the Indian Treaties, Surrenders and Agreements essay in the Aboriginal Documentary Heritage Web exhibition.

This series of documents is part of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development fonds, and consists of various treaties, surrenders and agreements.

Users should note that this series is not a comprehensive collection of all historical treaties, surrenders and agreements between the Crown and First Nations. Many such records are held elsewhere, both within and outside the custody of Library and Archives Canada. At this time, all 524 documents contained in this series have been digitized in black and white from microfilm copies, and are searchable in this database.

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The Search Screen

The Search Screen is a multi-fielded search screen that offers a larger number of variables with which you can search the database, any of which can be used in combination. When using the fields in combination, you should note that the default search operator is "AND." Consult the Search Syntax page for more information.


  • Keywords: Enables you to search all fields alone or in combination.
  • GAD Reference Number: Enables you to find a specific file based on the file number assigned by the Government Archives Division (GAD) of Library and Archives Canada.
  • Volume: Enables you to locate an item based on the volume/box number cited in publications or elsewhere.
  • Microfilm Reel Number: Enables you to retrieve all the records on the same microfilm reel (numbers were assigned by Library and Archives Canada).

Enter one or more search terms.
Use the wildcard character $ if you are not sure of the spelling.
(e.g. Br$nt for Brant and Brantford)

When you have entered your search terms, click on "Submit". The number of hits found will be shown at the top of the results screen.

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The Search Results Screens

Your search results will be posted as a summary list. The results list contains the following fields:

  • GAD Reference Number
  • Indian Affairs' consecutive no.
  • Volume
  • Province
  • Date
  • Aboriginal people(s)
  • Aboriginal individual(s)
  • Other party(ies)
  • Type of Document
  • Specific purpose(s)
  • Land involved
  • Form
  • Contents
  • Reference
  • Microfilm Reel Number
  • ISN Number
  • Associated Images: Images are available in JPG format. Some larger documents are also available in MrSID format. See the MrSID help page for intructions.