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Services to the Public: Consulting and Borrowing Material

Ordering Material in Advance

You can order material in advance of the date of your visit to Library and Archives Canada (LAC) at 395 Wellington Street in Ottawa. This is the procedure to follow:

  • You must specify your user number with your request. To obtain a user number, fill out the online User Card Registration Form.
  • You should provide a phone or fax number or an email address where you can be reached during LAC office hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday to Friday, except statutory holidays).
  • In our main building, at 395 Wellington Street in Ottawa, all archival documents are consulted strictly on-site.
  • Many published documents such as books as well as many documents on microfilm can be borrowed through the Interlibrary and Inter-institutional Loan Service should you prefer to borrow some of these documents instead of consulting them on-site.
  • Most microfilm reels are available in our Consultation Rooms on a self-serve basis and cannot be ordered in advance.

To order archival records

  • You should provide the most complete archival references available. Ideally, a reference will identify the fonds, the container number (volume or box) and the file or item number. References vary according to the type of material (see Examples of archival references). If you need further information, ask us a question.
  • A vast number of records from our collection can be found on our website. You will find more information under Research Tools.
  • If you cannot find the references you need on our website, ask us a question.
  • When ordering records in advance of your visit, you are limited to a maximum of 10 containers (volumes or boxes).
  • Requests must be received at LAC at least five working days prior to the proposed visit.
  • Send a request online, by fax or mail.

To order published materials

  • You should provide the most complete bibliographical references available. Ideally, a bibliographical reference includes the AMICUS number. If you need information, ask us a question.
  • A vast number of references to the materials from our collection can be found on our website. You will find more information under Research Tools.
  • If you cannot find the references you need on our website, ask us a question.
  • The number of items you can order prior to your visit is limited to five.
  • Requests must be received at LAC at least 24 hours prior to the proposed visit.
  • Requests are to be submitted:
    By Telephone or TTY
    Online, by fax or mail
  • Your request will be processed during office hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday to Friday, except statutory holidays).