Index - Canada at Scale: Maps of our History - Exhibitions - Library and Archives Canada
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Exploration, colonization and development

Map of the world, 1508

America by Ortelius, 1570

North America, ca. 1566

Champlain’s map, 1632

New France by Guillaume De l’Isle, 1741

America by Nicolas de Fer, 1698

Prince Edward Island, 1765

Newfoundland, 1775

Exploits River, Newfoundland, 1773

Nova Scotia, 1779

Maritime Provinces, 1854

Louisbourg, 1778

The St. Lawrence by Jefferys, 1776

The St. Lawrence by Nicolas Bellin, ca. 1752

Quebec City region, 1761

Hochelaga (Montreal), 1565

Part of Montreal, 1822

Montreal region by Bouchette, 1831

The Great Lakes by Nicolas Bellin, 1744

Southwestern Ontario, 1832

Ontario by Chewett, 1825

Lincoln and Welland counties, Ontario, 1862

Bird’s-eye view of Ottawa, 1876

Fire insurance map, Welland, Ontario, 1916

Western Canada, 1754

Historical Atlas of Canada, 1987-1993

North America by Arrowsmith, 1802

Canada by Tallis, 1851

Palliser’s map, 1865

Camp on the Little Souris River, 1857-1858

Camp on the Red River, 1857-1858

Manitoba, 1871

North America by Philippe Buache, 1752

Pacific Coast of North America, 1798

British Columbia, 1871

North Pole, 1595

Hudson Bay region, 1612

The Franklin expedition, 1820-1821

Canadian Arctic, 1853

Exploring the Arctic, 1904

Indian reserves, 1891

Canada and the British Empire, 1902

Hearne at the Coppermine River, 1771

Canadian Arctic, 1880

The Franklin expedition, 1820

The History of Cartography, 1998

Bulletin, ACMLA, 1985

Government cartography

Map of Canada, 1999

Map of Canada, 1984

Winnipeg region, 1895

Junior Atlas of Alberta, 1979

Settlement of the West, 1886

Distribution of lands in Alberta, 1913

Telegraph in Western Canada, 1883

Survey in the West, 1871

Survey in the West, 1882

Township plan, 1889

Selkirk Mountains, 1906

The Rockies, 1890

Surveying in 1887

Ottawa region, 1925

Brantford, Ontario, 1984

Yakutat, Alaska, 1990

Burrard Inlet, 1900

Lake Winnipeg, 1903

Fraser River, 1994

Silver Mountain region, Ontario, 1887

Mining regions of Canada, 1976

Central Canada, 1875

A geologist’s notebook, 1877

Geologists at work, 1887

Geologists at work, 1881

Canada Land Inventory, 1963-1995

Nisga’a land in British Columbia, 1987

National Atlas of Canada, 1974

Mount Revelstoke National Park, British Columbia, 1971

Nunavut Territory, 1993

Terrestrial Globe, ca. 1860