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Land Bridge to the New World - Prehistory

World's Longest Bridge

First Nations and Inuit

Confederation Bridge, between Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick, is the longest bridge over ice-covered waters in the world. But there once was a very special bridge that was even longer, linking North America with Asia. Unlike the Confederation Bridge, this special bridge was a work of nature.

During the last ice age (80 000 to 12 000 years ago), much of North America was covered by ice. With so much of the Earth's water frozen on land, the sea level went down. This exposed a strip of land that joined North America and Asia, creating a bridge made out of land. The ancestors of Canada's First Nations and Inuit crossed this unique bridge to come to North America.

This part of the Passageways: True Tales of Adventure for Young Explorers website looks at these ancient peoples.
