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Maps, page 1

Shortcut to the explorer's route map(s) of your choice

Roald Amundsen's voyages

Map showing the route of Amundsen's second voyage, June 16, 1903 - October 1906, on which he travelled to the Arctic and then down the west coast to San Francisc Map showing the route of Amundsen's first voyage, to Antarctica, 1897 - 1899

John Cabot's voyages

Map showing Cabot's first voyage, through the Strait of Belle Isle and all the way around Newfoundland, May 2 to August 6, 1497

Jacques Cartier's voyages

Map of Cartier's first voyage, April 20 to September 5, 1534, showing his route through the Strait of Belle Isle, into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, along the Gaspé Peninsula and P.E.I., and back along the coast of Newfoundland Map of Cartier's third voyage, May 23, 1541 to September 1542, showing his route to Stadacona and then back to France

Samuel de Champlain's voyages

Map showing the route of Champlain's first voyage, in 1603, where he travelled to Newfoundland, Cape Breton and along the St. Lawrence to Montréal, then travelled around the Gaspé Peninsula and Cape Breton on his return to France Map showing the route of Champlain's second voyage, 1604-1607, along the eastern coastline from Cape Breton to Cape Cod

James Cook's voyages

Map showing the route of Cook's first voyage, September 13, 1768 to July 13, 1771, on which he travelled to the South Pacific and also mapped the coast of New Zealand Map showing the route of Cook's second voyage, July 13, 1772 - July 29, 1775, on which he tried to found out if there was land at the South Pole Map showing the route of Cook's third voyage, from Great Britain to the Pacific coast of North America and then north into the Arctic Ocean, July 12, 1776 - October 1780

John Davis's voyages

Map showing the route of Davis' second voyage to the west coast of Greenland, then Exeter and Cumberland Sounds on Baffin Island, May 7 to October 14, 158 Map showing the route of Davis' first voyage, June 7, 1585 - September 30, 1585

First Nations and Inuit's voyages

Map showing the land bridge that joined North America and Asia

John Franklin's voyages

Map showing the route of Franklin's expedition from Fort Resolution to the Arctic coast in 1825 Map showing the route of Franklin's final voyage, May 18, 1845 to 1848, through Baffin Bay and Lancaster Sound, then south towards King William Island where bodies and relics of the crew were found

Simon Fraser's voyages

Map showing the route of Fraser's voyage from Fort Chipewyan to the Pacific Ocean, 1805-1808, along what is now known as the Fraser River
