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Books and Links

Books on Explorers

John Cabot
First Nations and Inuit
John Franklin
Simon Fraser
Samuel Hearne
Henry Hudson
Henry Kelsey
The La Vérendryes
Alexander Mackenzie
Robert McClure
George Vancouver

Books on Exploration

Arctic Exploration - The Northwest Passage
Cod Fishing, Seal Hunting and Whaling
The Fur Trade


Books on Explorers

John Cabot

2 to 7 years
Morrison, Terry; illustrated by Len Walbourne. The Great Explorer: The Almost True Story of John Cabot's Discovery of Newfoundland. Gander, Nfld.: Tantalus Books, 1996. 24 p.

First Nations and Inuit

2 to 7 years
Bushey, Jeanne; illustrated by Vladyana Langer Krykorka. The Polar Bear's Gift. Toronto: Red Deer Press, ©2000. 32 p.

Kusugak, Michael Arvaarluk; illustrated by Vladyana Krukorka. My Arctic 1, 2, 3. Toronto: Annick Press, 1996. 24 p.

Kusugak, Michael Arvaarluk; illustrated by Vladyana Krykorka. Northern Lights: The Soccer Trials. Toronto: Annick Press, 1993. 24 p.

Kusugak, Michael and Robert Munsch; illustrated by Vladyana Krykorka. A Promise is a Promise. Toronto: Annick Press, 1988. 32 p.

Waboose, Jan Bourdeau; illustrated by Karen Reczuch. Morning on the Lake. Toronto: Kids Can Press, 1997. 32 p.

8 to 11 years
Corriveau, Monique. Bones in the Basket: Native Stories of the Origin of People. Toronto: Tundra Books, 1994. 32 p.

Haslam, Andrew and Alexandra Parsons. Arctic Peoples. Toronto: Stoddart Publishing, ©1995. 63 p.

Shemie, Bonnie. Houses of Hide and Earth: Native Dwellings, Plains Indians. Toronto: Tundra Books, ©1991. 24 p.

Shemie, Bonnie. Houses of Snow, Skin and Bones: Native Dwellings, the Far North. Toronto: Tundra Books, 2000, ©1989. 24 p.

Shemie, Bonnie. Houses of Bark: Tipi, Wigwam and Longhouse: Native Dwellings, Woodland Indians. Toronto: Tundra Books, ©1990. 24 p.

Shemie, Bonnie. Houses of Wood: Native Dwellings, the Northwest Coast. Toronto: Tundra Books, 2000, ©1992. 24 p.

Shemie, Bonnie. Mounds of Earth and Shell: Native Sites: the Southeast. Toronto: Tundra Books, ©1993. 24 p.

Sterling, Shirley. My Name Is Seepeetza. Vancouver: Douglas & McInytre, 1992. 126 p.

Taylor, Carrie J. The Ghost and Lone Warrior: An Arapaho Legend. Toronto: Tundra Books, 1991. 24 p.

12 years and up
Harris, Christie; illustrated by Bill Reid. Raven's Cry. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre; Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1992, ©1966. 194 p.

Livesay, Robert and A. G. Smith. Native Peoples. Toronto: Stoddart, ©1993. 90 p.

Slipperjack, Ruby. Silent Words. Saskatoon: Fifth House Publishers, 1992. 250 p.

Collura, Mary-Ellen Lang. Winners. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1984. 129 p.

Tookoome, Simon and Sheldon Oberman; illustrated by Simon Tookoome. The Shamen's Nephew: A Life in the Far North. Toronto: Stoddart Kids, 1999. 55 p.

Williams, Terry Tempest and Ted Major; illustrated by Jennifer Dewey. The Secret Language of Snow. San Francisco: Sierra Club/Pantheon Books, ©1984. 129 p.

Younkin, Paula. Indians of the Arctic and Subarctic. New York: Facts on File, ©1992. 96 p.

John Franklin

8 to 11 years
Walters, Eric. Trapped in Ice. Toronto: Puffin, 1998, ©1997. 205 p.

12 years and up
Godfrey, Martyn. Mystery in the Frozen Lands. Toronto: James Lorimer, 1988. 132 p.

Berton, Pierre. Jane Franklin's Obsession. Adventures in Canadian History Series. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1992. 92 p.

Simon Fraser

12 years and up
Campbell, Marjorie Wilkins; illustrated by Lewis Parker. The Savage River: Seventy-one Days with Simon Fraser. Toronto: MacMillan of Canada, ©1968. 146 p.

Samuel Hearne

2 to 7 years
Hamilton, Mary; illustrated by Debi Perna. The Sky Caribou. Toronto: Peter Martin, ©1980. 31 p.

Henry Hudson

2 to 7 years
Henry Hudson. Prepared by the Social Science Staff of the Educational Research Council of America. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, ©1970. 50 p.

8 to 11 years
Snow, Dorothea J.; illustrated by John C. Wonsetler. Henry Hudson: Explorer of the North. New York: Houghton Mifflin, ©1962. 190 p.

Henry Kelsey

8 to 11 years
Conner, Daniel C. G. Henry Kelsey and the People of the Plains. Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice-Hall Canada, ©1986. 58 p.

The La Vérendryes

12 years and up
Harrington, Lyn. The Luck of the La Verendryes. Toronto: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1967. 157 p.

Alexander Mackenzie

2 to 7 years
Manson, Ainslie. A Dog Came, Too. Toronto: A Groundwood Book, Douglas & McIntyre, 1993, ©1992. 30 p.

12 years and up
Xydes, Georgia. Alexander Mackenzie and the Explorers of Canada. New York: Chelsea House, ©1992. 111 p.

Robert McClure

Berton, Pierre; illustrated by Paul McCluskey. Trapped in the Arctic. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1993. 83 p.

George Vancouver

12 years and up
Haig-Brown, Roderick; illustrated by Gordon MacLean. Captain of the Discovery: the Story of Captain George Vancouver. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, ©1974. 174 p.


2 to 7 years
Creith, Elizabeth, illustrated by Linda Hendry. Erik the Viking Sheep. Richmond Hill, Ont.: Scholastic Canada, 1997. 32 p.

8 to 11 years
Molan, Chris; illustrated by Chris Molan. The Vikings in Vinland. London: Methuen Children's Books, ©1985. (Great Tales from Long Ago) 32 p.

Margeson, Susan M.; photographs by Peter Anderson. Viking. Toronto: Stoddart, ©1994. (Eyewitness Books) 63 p.

Neersø, Niels; photographs by Grethe Schantz. A Viking Ship: "Roar Edge " - A Reconstruction of a Trading Vessel from the Viking Age. St. John's: Breakwater, ©1986. 36 p.

Nicholson, Robert and Claire Watts. The Vikings. Richmond Hill, Ont.: Scholastic Canada, ©1991. 31 p.

Livsey, Robert; illustrated by A. G. Smith. The Vikings. Toronto: Stoddart, 1989. 90 p.

12 years and up
Clark, Joan. The Dream Carvers. Toronto: Viking, 1995. 226 p.

Katz, Welwyn Wilton. Out of the Dark. Vancouver: A Groundwood Book / Douglas & McIntyre, 1995. 185 p.

Hauger, Torill Thorstad; translated by Marlys Wick Paulsen. Captured by the Vikings. St. John's: Breakwater, ©1991. 160 p.

Books on Exploration

Arctic Exploration - the Northwest Passage

12 years and up
Berton, Pierre. Parry of the Arctic. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1992. (Adventures in Canadian History. Exploring the Frozen World) 84 p.

Cod fishing, Seal Hunting and Whaling

8 to 11 years
Butler, Geoff. The Killick: A Newfoundland Story. Montréal: Tundra Books, 1995. 32 p.

Kalman, Bobbie and Ken Faris. Arctic Whales & Whaling. Toronto: Crabtree Publishing, ©1988. 55 p.

12 and up
McKay, Sharon E. Charlie Wilcox. Toronto: Stoddart Kids, 2000. 221 p.

The Fur Trade

8 to 11 years
Livesay, Robert and A. G. Smith. The Fur Trade. Toronto: Stoddart, ©1989. 92 p.

12 Years and up
Demers, Barbara. Willa's New World. Regina: Coteau Books, 1999. 320 p.

Martel, Suzanne. The King's Daughter. Vancouver: A Groundwood Book, Douglas & McIntyre, 1994, ©1980. 231 p.


12 years and up
Lunn, Janet and Christopher Moore; illustrated by Alan Daniel. The Story of Canada. Toronto: Lester Publishing / Key Porter Books, 1992. 319 p.


EnchantedLearning.com - Canadian Explorers
Information on many Canadian explorers. Includes maps and some portraits.

The Mariners' Museum - The Age of Exploration
Information on explorers from around the world, including those who explored Canada.

Canadian Arctic Profiles - Exploration of the Northwest Passage
A look at the explorers who visited the Canadian Arctic in search of the Northwest Passage.

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - Kids' Stop
The Department of Indian and Northern Affairs' website for kids. Includes information sheets you can download.

First Peoples on SchoolNet
Links to several informative websites.

Geographical Names on SchoolNet
Information and stories about the naming of Canadian towns, villages, lakes and mountains.

SchoolNet Geographical Names - Explorers
Information on Jacques Cartier, George Back, Samuel Hearne and on geographical names that came from explorers.

French books and links are also available.