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Banner: Passageways: True Tales of Adventure for Young Explorers
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Exploring Westward - 18th Century

A Place to Call Home

Henry Kelsey: On the Trail of Native Friends
The La Vérendryes: Family of Explorers

In the vast wilderness that existed in the 18th century, it must have been comforting to have a place to go where you could seek shelter or get help. The colonies and trading posts in Newfoundland, Acadia, along the St. Lawrence River and around Hudson Bay were the closest explorers could come to being back home. From these settlements, they started to go further west, looking for adventure, fur and a route to the Pacific Ocean.

This part of the Passageways: True Tales of Adventure for Young Explorers website looks at these daring travellers.

Click on the explorer's name to find out more about him.
