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Den Otter, A.A. The philosophy of railways : the transcontinental railway idea in British North America. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1997

Eagle, John A. The Canadian Pacific Railway and the development of western Canada. Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 1989

Ferguson, Ted. Sentimental journey : an oral history of train travel in Canada. Toronto : Doubleday Canada, 1985

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Garden, J.F. British Columbia Railway, from PGE to BCRail. Revelstoke, British Columbia : Footprint Publishing, 1995

George, E.B. The steam age in western Ontario, a railroad anthology. London, Ontario : F.J. Ram, 1976

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Hart, E.J. The selling of Canada : the CPR and the beginnings of tourism. Banff : Altitude Publishing, 1983

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Helm, Norman S. In the shadow of the giants : the story of the Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway. Cheltenham, Ontario : The Boston Mills Press, 1978

Hill, Beth. Exploring the Kettle Valley Railway. Winlaw, British Columbia : Polestar Press, 1989

Hiller, J.K. The Newfoundland Railway 1881-1949. [St. John's, Nfld.] : H. Cuff Publications, 1981. (Newfoundland Historical Society ; no. 6)

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Leonard, Frank. A thousand blunders : the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and northern British Columbia. Vancouver : UBC Press, 1996

Levasseur, J.-F. Adrien. Le chemin de fer Temiscouata. Longeuil, Québec : J.-F. Levasseur, 1994

Lotz, Jim ; MacKenzie, K. The railways of Canada. New York : Bonanza Books, 1988

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MacEachern, Alan. Natural selections : national parks in Atlantic Canada, 1935-1970. Montréal : McGill-Queen's, 2001

Mackay, Donald. The people's railway : a history of Canadian National. Toronto : Douglas & McIntyre, 1992

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Minter, Roy. The White Pass : gateway to the Klondike. Toronto : McLelland and Stewart, 1987

Morton, Desmond. Working people, an illustrated history of the Canadian labour movement. Toronto : Summerhill Press, 1990

Nason, David. Railways of New Brunswick. Fredericton : New Ireland Press, 1992

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Stevens, G.R. The history of Canadian National Railways. Toronto : Collier-Macmillan, 1973

Stoltz, D.E. A statutory history of trains in Canada 1836-1986. Kingston : Queen's University, 1987

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