2. What is available for interlibrary loan?
The National Library of Canada, as a general rule, will lend material from its collections to libraries through its integrated interlibrary loan and location service. If a microform copy or surrogate is available, this will be loaned rather than the original printed work.
The National Library of Canada gives priority to collecting publications in the field of Canadian studies. Collections of the National Library that are available for loan include:
- The general collection consisting of items by Canadian authors, or about Canada or published in Canada, primarily in the arts, social sciences and humanities, consisting of monographs, periodicals and reports, in print and microform formats.
- Canadian masters and doctoral theses (available in microfilm/fiche formats). The National Library's collection contains 75% of post-1965 masters and doctoral theses from Canadian universities.
- Official publications including: Canadian (both federal and provincial), foreign and international official publications. (Pre-1867 publications are not available for loan).
- Newspapers including: a collection of retrospective and current Canadian newspapers and a representative collection of foreign newspapers. Newspapers are available for loans in microfilm format only. Up to 12 reels of microfilm or one complete year of microfiche per request can be loaned on ILL. Photocopies of specified newspaper articles can also be obtained.
- The Music Collection including printed material, sound recordings, scores and manuscripts. (Sound recordings of which there is only one copy and uncatalogued sheet music are not available for loan).
- The Library and Information Science Collection consisting of monographs, periodicals, reports, videos and many reports. Unpublished Canadian materials ("grey literature"), and other vertical file materials pertaining to library and information science are mostly not available for loan.
- The Children's Literature Collection consists of mainly Canadian works for children and young people and a selection of professional works and foreign classic and prize-winning books. (Available for loan except for rare and special editions).
- Originals with inserts (maps, microfiche, cassettes, pamphlets).
- Alternate format materials (eg. audio-cassettes, sound recordings, talking books, videos) can be lent when there is a second Canadian copy in the collection. For non-Canadian items there is no requirement that there be two copies in order that one can be lent.
- If an alternate format item has been created specifically for use by the print-disabled, the National Library can make a surrogate copy to lend to another library on behalf of a print-disabled client. If the item was not specifically created for use by the print-disabled, the publisher's permission must be obtained before a surrogate can be made.
2.1 What is not available for interlibrary loan?
- material in the Preservation Collection
- the Rare Book Collection consisting of pre-1867 Canadiana, Canadian livres d'artistes, rare official publications and the Jacob M. Lowy Collection of rare Hebraica and Judaica and other items designated as preservation copies by the *** symbol
- material from the Reference Collection
- all books printed prior to 1868; pamphlets published before 1800
- first copies of printed editions of 500 copies or less
- material restricted by publisher, author, or donor and documents which are confidential or security classified
- working copies
- books requiring special treatment because of size, format or physical condition (eg. x.folios)
- master negatives of microforms
- newspapers in original format
- manuscripts
- visual and sound recordings of all types (disks, tapes, cassettes) when only one copy is available, with the exception of some materials from the Library and Information Science Collection and material which should be made available because of provisions in the Access to Information Act
- multimedia kits
- educational kits
- material contained in vertical files *
- uncatalogued sheet music *
- programs, eg. concert and theater
- autographed items
- teachers' manuals
- city directories
- folders
- publications which hold detachable sheets, not stapled
- single, unbound sheets kept in envelopes and publications stapled in one corner
- loose-leaf material
- items catalogued as computer files that are on CD-ROM, or diskettes or other carriers such as computer tape
* Photocopies can be supplied in compliance with current copyright restrictions.
2.2 Other sources for ILLS
The National Library does not collect scientific material other than the Canadian publications received on legal deposit, those published abroad by Canadian authors, and Canadian theses on scientific subjects. Requests for scientific and technical information can be sent to the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI). Please note that CISTI is a charging institution.
National Research Council of Canada
1200 Montreal Rd., Bldg. M-55
Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6
Telephone: 1-800-668-1222 (Canada & U.S.) or (613) 998-8544
Fax: (613) 993-7619
Email: info.cisti@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Web: www.cisti.nrc.gc.ca
**NEW January 2004**
Since the amalgamation of the National Library and the National Archives to form the new institution, Library and Archives Canada, archival material reproduced in microfilm (such as Canadian census materials, passenger lists, land petitions, prime ministerial papers, etc.) is also available for interlibrary loan from the ILL Division, Library and Archives Canada.
2.3 Photocopies in lieu of Interlibrary Loans
The National Library of Canada will make photoduplicates (eg. photocopies or hard-copy prints from microfiche) of materials in its collection for purposes of interlibrary loan on request and in cases when the item cannot be loaned. It is the general practice for the National Library to provide photocopies of periodical articles rather than lending an entire issue. Conditions relating to copyright, publishers' restrictions and preservation (eg. fragile items cannot be photocopied) must all be met before copying can proceed.
Written authorization with the signature of the copyright owner must accompany a request to reproduce either a substantial portion or the whole of a copyrighted document. It is the responsibility of the requester to obtain and provide this authorization.
Documents which are confidential, or restricted by the publisher may not be copied without written permission from the appropriate source. It is the responsibility of the requester to obtain and provide this permission.
All responsibility for the use made of photoduplicates is assumed by the requester.
The National Library reserves the right to limit the number of requests for photoduplicates received, or the number of photoduplicates delivered per institution per day.