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Bannière : Les presses particulières canadiennes
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Pour ceux qui veulent en apprendre davantage sur les presses particulières, la liste suivante de publications et de liens couvre l'histoire des presses particulières en général, l'histoire des presses particulières au Canada ainsi que la technologie de la typographie, chacune sous un titre différent.

On peut trouver de l'information sur les livres d'artistes sur le site Web de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec : www2.biblinat.gouv.qc.ca/

Presses particulières
William Morris
Presses particulières canadiennes
Histoire de l'imprimerie et de la technologie

Presses particulières

Cave, Roderick. The Private Press, 2e éd., révisée et augmentée, New York, R. R. Bowker Company, 1983.

Ransom, Will. Private Presses and Their Books, New York, P. C. Duschnes, 1963.

Smith, Shelagh. « Bookbinding Semantics », The Newsletter, vol. 19, nº 2 (2000), Toronto, Guilde canadienne des relieurs et des artisans du livre.

Devil's Artisan - A Journal of the Printing Arts, Erin (Ont.), The Porcupine's Quill, 1980-

Guilde canadienne des relieurs et des artisans du livre : www.cbbag.ca/

William Morris

Peterson, William S., The Kelmscott Press: A History of William Morris's Typographical Adventure, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1991.

Ryskamp, Charles. Preface, William Morris and the Art of the Book, New York, Pierpont Public Library, 1976.

The Morris Society : www.morrissociety.org/

The Victorian Web : William Morris : http://landow.stg.brown.edu/victorian/morris/morrisov.html

Presses particulières canadiennes

Bradbury, Maureen. « Fine Printing by Canadian Private Presses, a Descriptive Listing of the Holdings of Special Collections: Part I, Presses outside Ontario », News from the Rare Book Room, Edmonton, D. E. Cameron Library, University of Alberta, 1978.

___. « Fine Printing by Canadian Private Presses, a Descriptive Listing of the Holdings of Special Collections: Part II, Presses of Ontario », News from the Rare Book Room, Edmonton, D. E. Cameron Library, University of Alberta, 1980.

Bringhurst, Robert. Ocean Paper Stone: The Catalogue of an Exhibition of Printed Objects, Which Chronicle More Than a Century of Literary Publishing in British Columbia, Vancouver, William Hoffer, 1984.

Dobson, Lyndsay. The Canadian Private Presses in Print, Grimsby, Lyndsay Dobson Books, 1983.

___. The Canadian Private Presses in Print - Supplement, Grimsby, Lyndsay Dobson Books, 1984.

Horne, Alan J., et Guy Upjohn. Fine Printing: The Private Press in Canada, Toronto, Guilde canadienne des relieurs et des artisans du livre, 1995.

Kotin, David B., et Marilyn Rueter. Reader, Lover of Books, Lover of Heaven, Willowdale, North York Public Library, 1978.

___. Reader, Lover of Books, Willowdale, North York Public Library, 1981.

McConnell, William C. « The Private Presses of British Columbia », Amphora I, The Alcuin Society's Quarterly Journal of Fine Printing and the Art of the Book, Vancouver, The Alcuin Society, 1967, p. 2-5.

Recent Arrivals and Other News, Grimsby, Lyndsay Dobson Books, 1986-2000.

Rueter, Marylin. «  The Private Press in Canada: A Brief Survey  », Sticks and Stones, Some aspects of Canadian Printing History, John Gibson, Laurie Lewis, éd. Toronto, Toronto Typographic Association, 1980, p. 93-114

Rueter, William. Order Touched With Delight: Some Personal Observations on the Nature of the Private Press With an Account of the Aliquando Press, Toronto, The Aliquando Press, 1982.

Tayler, Anne H., et Megan J. Nelson, éd. From Hand to Hand: A Gathering of Book Arts in British Columbia, Vancouver, The Alcuin Society, 1986.

Tratt, Grace. Check List of Canadian Small Press, English Language, Halifax, Dalhousie University Library, 1974.

Guilde canadienne des relieurs et des artisans du livre : www.cbbag.ca/

Histoire de l'imprimerie et de la technologie

Dewalt, Bryan. Technology and Canadian Printing: A History From Lead Type to Lasers, Ottawa, Musée des sciences et de la technologie du Canada, 1995.

Glaister, Geoffrey Ashall. Encyclopedia of the Book, 2e édition, nouvelle introduction de Donald Farren, New Castle (Delaware), Oak Knoll Press, 1996.

Lewis, John. Anatomy of Printing: The Influences of Art and History on Its Design, Londres, Faber, 1970.

Moran, James. Printing Presses: History and Development from the Fifteenth Century to Modern Times, London, Faber and Faber; Berkeley et Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1973.

Ryder, John. Printing for Pleasure, Londres, Bodley Head, 1976.

Rummonds, Richard-Gabriel. Printing on the Iron Hand Press, Londres, British Library, 1998.

Schlesinger, Carl. The Biography of Ottmar Mergenthaler: Inventor of the Linotype, Newcastle (Delaware), Oak Knoll Press, 1989.

Steinberg, S. H. Five Hundred Years of Printing. Revu par John Trevitt. London : British Library; Newcastle (Delaware), Oak Knoll Press, 1996.

Updike, Daniel Berkeley. Printing Types: Their History, Forms, and Use: A Study in Survivals, New York, Dover Publications, 1980.

Gravure sur bois de bout : www.woodengravers.net/home.htm

Technologie : www.letterspace.com/handpress/index.html