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The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a system of numerical identification for books, pamphlets, educational kits, microforms, CD-ROM and Braille publications. By assigning a unique ten-digit number to each published title, the system provides that title with its own, unduplicated, internationally recognized 'identity'. Publishers, booksellers, libraries and other participants in the book industry use ISBN to identify publications in order to expedite their handling and retrieval. ISBN ensures that ordering, inventory control and accounting are executed more efficiently. In Canada, ISBNs are assigned by the National Library of Canada, and also, by the Bibliothèque nationale du Québec for francophone publishers in Québec. For more information, see this page, and the Canadian ISBN Publishers' Directory. Further queries may be directed to the appropriate addresses below:

Canadian ISBN Agency
National Library of Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON   K1A 0N4

Telephone: (819)994-6872
Toll free number in Canada: 1-866-578-7777
Fax: (819)997-7517
E-mail: isbn@lac-bac.gc.ca

To obtain an ISBN electronically, visit the online form.


Bibliothèque nationale du Québec
2275, rue Holt
Montréal, QC   H2G 3H1

Telephone: (514) 873-1100, ext. 319
Toll free number in Québec: 1-800-363-9028, ext. 319
Fax: (514)873-4310
Website : www.bnquebec.ca/

The ISSN is a unique code for identifying serial publications, such as periodicals, newspapers, annuals, journals and monographic series. It provides an efficient and economical method of communication between publishers and suppliers. Canadian publishers of serials can obtain ISSN from ISSN Canada, a service of the National Library of Canada. For more information, see this page, or contact:

ISSN Canada
National Library of Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON   K1A 0N4

Telephone: (819)994-6895
Toll free number in Canada: 1-866-578-7777
Fax: (819)997-6209
E-mail: issn@lac-bac.gc.ca

To obtain an ISSN electronically, visit the online form.


Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) is a voluntary program of cooperation between publishers and libraries. It enables the cataloguing of books BEFORE they are published, and the prompt distribution of this cataloging information to booksellers and libraries. The Canadian CIP Program is coordinated by the National Library of Canada. For more information, see this page, or contact:

CIP Coordinator
National Library of Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON   K1A 0N4 CANADA

Telephone: (819)994-6881
Fax: (819)997-7517
E-mail: cip@lac-bac.gc.ca

An online printable version of the CIP application form is also available.

The New Books Program

The New Books Service is a recent addition to the virtual collections of the National Library of Canada. It is also the latest enhancement to the NLC Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) program.

A dynamic New Books web page on the National Library of Canada's site will showcase new print and electronic publications. Each entry will include cover art, a table of contents, sample text, information about the author and illustrator, reviews, and details on awards and author readings, along with authoritative Cataloguing in Publication data prepared by the NLC's expert staff.

As the service develops, links will be added from the New Books Collection to the Canadian ISBN Publishers' Directory in order to promote greater awareness of Canadian publishing companies and their products. Book buyers will be able to browse the New Books site for new releases, then follow links from the site to a directory of Canadian bookstores, where they can order the books they have discovered. Eventually, users will even be able to access the Web site of their local library and reserve a copy if it is already held in the collection, or recommend its purchase if it is not.

Publishers wishing to participate in the New Books service can submit New Books items as attachments to the NLC's forthcoming online Cataloguing in Publications application form. A browse function will allow the publisher to easily select files from their own computer and send them electronically to NLC staff for development into a New Books record. Through the same interactive process, authenticated bibliographic data will be returned via the Internet to publishers for inclusion in their publications.

The New Books system accepts the following file formats:

  • JPG or GIF
  • 72 pixels/inch resolution
  • 648 pixels on the longest side (9 inches at 72 dpi)
  • RGB Colour mode
  • 8 bits/channel
  • PC or Macintosh format
  • File must be named by the 10-digit ISBN, e.g. 12545332.jpg
  • Image should be full front view of cover, no border
  • File size should be less than 200KB