The authors have included the English edition of works if they are available in both French and English. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are known to be available in French. Most titles included in this guide are held by Library and Archives Canada, and many are available for interlibrary loan, both within Canada and abroad.
Pictorial Works
Bell, Ken, et al. -- Not in vain. -- Toronto : Univ. of Toronto Press, 1973. -- [143] p.
- Ken Bell has republished some of his most famous photographs from the North-West Europe campaign and contrasts them to photos he took of the same areas in 1970
- The relatively brief text was written by C.P. Stacey
Bell, Ken ; Stacey, C.P. -- 100 years : The Royal Canadian Regiment 1883-1983. -- Don Mills, Ont. : Collier Macmillan, 1983. -- 184 p.
- This illustrated history of Canada's senior regular infantry regiment contains many images not seen elsewhere
* Bernier, Serge. -- Canadian military heritage. -- Volume III: 1872-2000. -- Montreal : Art global, 2000. -- P. 137-192. -- Also published in French under the title: Le patrimoine militaire canadien : d'hier à aujourd'hui
Marteinson, John, et al. -- We stand on guard : an illustrated history of the Canadian Army. -- Montreal : Ovale Publications, 1992. -- P. 95-210
Milberry, Larry. -- Canada's air force at war and peace. -- Toronto : CANAV Books, 2000. -- Vol. 1 & 2
- Volume 1, p. 115-275, includes the BCATP, the Aleutian campaign, the anti-submarine war fought on both coasts and day fighter operations overseas; Volume 2 examines multi-engined aircraft overseas, deals with awards and decorations and contains a chapter on the war artists
- These two profusely illustrated volumes expand upon his earlier works, with many photographs never before published
Nord, Max, comp. -- Thank you, Canada. -- Montreal : Stichting Wereldtentoonstelling, 1967. -- 192 p.
- Liberation of the Netherlands from the Dutch viewpoint
Robertson, Peter. -- Irréducible vérité : les photographes militaires
canadiens depuis 1885 = Relentless verity : Canadian military photographers
since 1885. -- Québec, Qué. : Les Presses de l'Université Laval,
1973. -- 233 p. -- (The Public Archives of Canada series)