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War of 1812
Troops and Traditions

Individual Battles and Campaigns

Niagara Campaigns, 1812-1814

Fredriksen, John C. -- Niagara, 1814 : the United States Army quest for tactical parity in the War of 1812 and its legacy. -- Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International, 1993. -- 4 microfiches. -- Ph.D. dissertation, Providence College, 1993

The Northwest, 1812-1814

Bird, Harrison. -- War for the West, 1790-1813. -- New York : Oxford Univ. Press, 1971. -- 278 p.

Gilpin, Alec R. -- The War of 1812 in the old Northwest. -- Toronto : Ryerson Press, 1958. -- 286 p.

Hamil, Fred C. -- Michigan in the War of 1812. -- Lansing, Mich. : Michigan Historical Commission, 1960. -- 44 p. -- (John M. Munson Michigan History Fund Pamphlet, no. 4)

Queenston Heights, 1812

Malcomson, Robert. -- "'It remains only to fight' : the Battle of Queenston Heights, 13 October 1812". -- In Graves, Donald E., ed. -- Fighting for Canada : seven battles, 1758-1945. -- Toronto : R. Brass Studio, 2000. -- P. 90-130

* Whitfield, Carol. -- "The Battle of Queenston Heights". -- In Canadian historic sites : occasional papers in archaeology and history, no. 11. -- Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, National and Historic Parks Branch : Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1974. -- P. 9-59. -- Also published in French under the title: "La bataille de Queenston Heights"

Beaver Dams, 1813

Dewar, Donald Keith; Hutchinson, Paul. -- The Battle of Beaverdams : the story of Thorold's battle in the War of 1812. -- St. Catharines, Ont. : Slabtown Press, 1996. -- 64 p.

Châteauguay, 1813

* Guitard, Michelle. -- The militia of the Battle of the Châteauguay : a social history. -- Ottawa : National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, 1983. -- 147 p. -- (Studies in archaeology, architecture and history). -- Also published in French under the title: Histoire sociale des miliciens de la bataille de la Châteauguay

Sulte, Benjamin. -- La bataille de Châteauguay. -- Québec, Qué. : R. Renault, 1899. -- [129] p. -- Also reproduced in microform format: CIHM microfiche series, no. 24413

* Suthren, Victor J.H. -- "The Battle of Châteauguay". -- In Canadian historic sites : occasional papers in archaeology and history, no. 11. -- Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, National and Historic Parks Branch : Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1974. -- P. 95-150. -- Also published in French under the title : "La bataille de Châteauguay"

_____. -- Defend and hold : the Battle of Châteauguay. -- Ottawa : Balmuir Book Pub. : Canadian War Museum, National Museums of Canada, 1986. -- 23 p. -- (Canadian battle series, no. 1)

Crysler's Farm, 1813

Graves, Donald E. -- Field of glory : the Battle of Crysler's Farm, 1813. -- Toronto : R. Brass Studio, 1999. -- 425 p.

  • Includes a list of all recipients of the Military General Service Medal for Crysler's Farm and Châteauguay.

Way, Ronald L. -- "The day of Crysler's Farm". -- Canadian geographical journal. -- Vol. 62, no. 6 (June 1961). -- P. 184-217

Fort George, 1813

* Coleman, Margaret. -- "The American capture of Fort George, Ontario". -- In History and archaeology, no. 13. -- Ottawa : National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, 1977. -- P. 3-107. -- Also published in French under the title: "La capture du fort George, Ontario, par les Américains"

Moraviantown, 1813

Allen, Robert S. -- The battle of Moraviantown, October 5, 1813. -- Toronto : Balmuir Book Pub.; [Ottawa] : Canadian War Museum, 1994. -- 41 p. -- (Canadian battle series, no. 11)

Sackett's Harbour, 1813

Wilder, Patrick A. -- The Battle of Sackett's Harbor, 1813. -- Baltimore, Md. : Nautical & Aviation Pub. Co., 1994. -- [134] p.

Stoney Creek, 1813

Stanley, George F.G. -- Battle in the dark : Stoney Creek, June 6, 1813. -- Toronto : Balmuir Book Pub.; [Ottawa] : Canadian War Museum, 1991. -- 38 p. -- (Canadian battle series, no. 8)

York, 1813

Benn, Carl. -- The Battle of York. -- Belleville, Ont. : Mika Pub. Co., 1984. -- 62 p.

Stacey, C.P. -- The Battle of little York. -- Toronto : Toronto Historical Board, 1963. -- 22 p.

Castine, Maine, 1814

Harvey, D.C. -- "The Halifax-Castine expedition". -- Dalhousie review. -- Vol. 18, no. 2 (July 1938). -- P. 207-213

Chesapeake Bay Campaign, 1814

Lord, Walter. -- The dawn's early light. -- New York : Norton, 1972. -- 384 p.

Chippawa, 1814

Graves, Donald E. -- Red coats & grey jackets : the Battle of Chippawa, 5 July 1814. -- Toronto : Dundurn Press, 1994. -- 210 p.

Fort Erie, 1814

Graves, Donald E. -- "William Drummond and the Battle of Fort Erie". -- Canadian military history. -- Vol. 1, no. 1/2 (Autumn 1992). -- P. 25-43

Whitehorne, Joseph W.A. -- While Washington burned : the Battle for Fort Erie 1814. -- Baltimore, Md. : Nautical & Aviation Pub. Co., 1992. -- 227 p.

Lundy's Lane, 1814

Graves, Donald E. -- The Battle of Lundy's Lane : on the Niagara in 1814. -- Baltimore : Nautical & Aviation Pub. Co., 1993. -- 342 p.

  • Republished under the title: Where right and glory lead! The Battle of Lundy's Lane, 1814. -- Toronto : R. Brass Studio, 1997. -- 332 p.

Malcolm's Mills, 1814

Rammage, Stuart A. -- The militia stood alone : Malcolm's Mills, 6 November 1814. -- Summerland, B.C. : Valley Pub., 2000. -- 205 p.

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