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Canadian Military History: An Overview
War of 1812
Rebellions of 1837 and 1838
Northwest Campaign
South African War
First World War
Second World War
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War of 1812
Web Research


Canadian Forces College: War, Peace and Security Guide

  • A well-organized list of links to various military history topics, including a particularly useful section on the War of 1812.

Canadian Museum of Civilization

  • "Online Resources for Canadian Heritage," part of the Virtual Museum's Library website, includes many useful links to specific War of 1812 sites.

Canadian War Museum

  • This site includes the catalogue of the Museum's excellent library resources on Canadian military history as well as information on exhibits.

Documents on the American War of 1812

  • A very American-oriented website, but includes interesting material.

History Central : History's Home on the Internet -- War of 1812

  • The War of 1812 is only one module of this large American-oriented history site, but it includes detailed information.

Internet Public Library

  • Links websites by subject, including detailed references to all aspects of Canadian military history.

Library and Archives Canada

  • Leads to "ArchiviaNet," an online index to the finding aids for many of the archival holdings of Library and Archives Canada, both government records and private papers. Record groups which will be of particular interest to anyone seeking information on the War of 1812 are: RG 7, Governor General's Office; RG 8, British Military and Naval records; RG 9, records of the Department of Militia and Defence; and RG 10, records relating to Indian Affairs.

  • Researchers should also investigate private papers listed within ArchiviaNet. Particularly useful for the War of 1812 are manuscript groups of materials copied from British records at the Public Record Office in England.

  • Another module of ArchiviaNet includes Library and Archives Canada's collections of documentary art. Among these are many fine images relating to the War of 1812.

  • Library and Archives Canada's website has links to the various provincial archives. Those of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and especially Ontario hold useful fonds and collections relating to the War of 1812.

  • This site also leads to "AMICUS," the catalogue of Library and Archives' collections, which can be searched on-line, free of charge. "AMICUS" also provides locations for material in libraries throughout Canada. Subject terms of use when searching the catalogues of Library and Archives Canada and other libraries includethe War of 1812, Canada--History--War of 1812, and Canada--History--1763-1867

The War of 1812 Website

  • A Canadian site, one of a group on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century military topics, with good material.

Historic Sites

Most historic sites related to the war in Canada and the United States have websites. The following are only samples.

Battlefield House Museum, Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada

  • Battlefield House is operated as a partner of Parks Canada.

Fort Erie War of 1812

  • This site is dedicated to an annual re-enactment of the siege of Fort Erie

  • It includes a module for War of 1812 genealogical research.

Fort George

  • Fort George is operated by Parks Canada.

Historic Fort Erie

  • A guide to the fort operated by the Niagara Parks Commission.

Nancy Island Historic Site

  • The schooner Nancy, for a time the only British warship on the Upper Lakes, was sunk by American forces in the mouth of the Nottawasaga River in the summer of 1814. The island built up from silt around the Nancy's hull. Tourists may today view the recovered hull, or review the events on this website.

Parks Canada

  • Includes details on all Parks Canada sites, which include most of the major War of 1812 sites.

Genealogical Sites

Canadian Genealogy and History Links

  • The "military" section of this site contains a number of links to online resources on Canada's role in the war.

The Olive Tree Genealogy

  • This detailed site includes biographies, muster rolls and other lists of participants which are most valuable to genealogists.
  • There are also good links to other War of 1812 sites.


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