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Banner: Canadian Metadata Forum 2005 - Metadata: A Reality Check

Steering Committee


Deane Zeeman
Metadata Catalytic Initiative, Library and Archives Canada


Sheila Carey
Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN)

Pierre Dulude
Canadian Culture Online, Department of Canadian Heritage

Alexander Eykelhof
Ontario Colleges Digital Library Bibliocentre

Rhonda Healey
Government Information Management Office, Library and Archives Canada

Fay Hjartarson
Government Information Management Office, Library and Archives Canada

Michelle Landriault
Canadian Initiative on Digital Libraries

Liz McKeen
Resource Description, Library and Archives Canada

Lyne Michaud
Strategic Communications, Library and Archives Canada

Karen Morgenroth
Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI)

Anne Price
Intellectual Management Office, Library and Archives Canada

Cecil Somerton
Information Management, Treasury Board Secretariat

Gerald Stone
Intellectual Management Office, Library and Archives Canada

Jennifer Svarckopf
Intellectual Control Services, Library and Archives Canada

Conference Manager

Cindy Hick
HPB Association Management Services Inc.