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Principal SpeakersDr. Dale Anderson Dale has been with the CCRI project for the past two years. Prior to joining the CCRI team, she spent almost two decades in a variety of education and non-profit settings across Canada and overseas. She holds a doctorate from the University of Ottawa. Jeffrey Beall Jeffrey Beall has worked since 2000 as Catalogue Librarian at Auraria Library, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center. From 1990 to 2000, he worked as a cataloguer in Widener Library at Harvard University. He earned his M.S.L.S degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1990. He also holds an M.A. degree in English from Oklahoma State University. He was the 2002 winner of the Samuel Lazerow Fellowship for Research in Collections and Technical Services in Academic and Research Libraries, and he serves on the editorial board of the journal Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. His research focuses on aspects of cataloguing, metadata, and technical services. Jeffrey is the author of "Dublin Core: An Obituary" (Library Hi Tech News, August 2004, vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 40-41.) Denise Bedford Since 1997, Ms. Bedford's duties at the World Bank Group have included management of the World Bank Group's MetaThesaurus and core metadata strategy, as well as membership in the Information Architecture Group. She has also acted as the Bank's lead for usability engineering. Since 1997 Dr. Bedford has been a member of the Adjunct Faculty at Catholic University of America. In addition to her role as member of the Board of Trustees of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, she is a senior fellow of the Montague Institute. Dr. Bedford's experience prior to joining the World Bank Group includes University of California Systemwide Administration, Stanford University Libraries, Intel Corporation, National Aeronautics & Space Administration, University of Michigan, University of Maryland, and the University of Southern California. She received a Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley, in Information Studies, an M.A. from University of Michigan in Russian History, an M.S. in Library Science from Western Michigan University, and a triple major B.A. in Russian Language, German Language, and Russian/East European History from the University of Michigan. Michael Gorman Michael Gorman has been Dean of Library Services at the Henry Madden Library, California State University, Fresno since 1988. From 1977 to 1988 he worked at the Library of the University of Illinois, Urbana as, successively, Director of Technical Services, Director of General Services, and Acting University Librarian. From 1966 to 1977 he was, successively, Head of Cataloguing at the British National Bibliography, a member of the British Library Planning Secretariat, and Head of the Office of Bibliographic Standards in the British Library. He is the first editor of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition (1978) and of the revision of that work in 1988. He is the author of The Concise AACR2, third edition (1999) and Future Libraries: Dreams, Madness, and Reality (co-written with Walt Crawford was honoured with the 1997 Blackwell's Scholarship Award). Our Enduring Values, published by ALA in 2000, was the winner of ALA's Highsmith Library Innovation Award (2001) for the best book on librarianship. Michael has been the recipient of numerous awards, including the Margaret Mann Citation (1979), the Melvil Dewey Medal (1992), Blackwell's Scholarship Award (1997), and the California Library Association/Access, Collections, and Technical Services Section Award of Achievement (1999). He is a member of the American Library Association's Council (1991-1995 and 2002-2006) and also of the ALA Executive Board through 2007. He was made a fellow of the [British] Library Association in 1979 and an honorary fellow of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) in 2005. Louise Spiteri Dr. Spiteri teaches in the areas of metadata, indexing, classification, and records management. Her research interests include the construction and evaluation of thesauri, facet analysis, and classification systems. Her current research has three foci: the contribution of concept theory to bibliographic classification systems; the use of applied cognitive task analysis to study the cognitive processes involved in classification; and the contribution of folksonomies to the design of thesauri. She is currently involved in the construction of a Canadian taxonomy for the 211 directory of community, social, health, and government services. Ian E. Wilson In 2004, Mr. Ian E. Wilson was appointed Librarian and Archivist of Canada in Library and Archives Canada. He had been appointed National Archivist of Canada in July 1999 and with the National Librarian Roch Carrier developed and led the process to create a new knowledge institution for Canada in the 21st century. More… Deane Zeeman Having spent most of her professional career in the public, education and non-profit library sectors, Deane Zeeman's career in the Government of Canada began as Electronic Resource Librarian in the Department of Finance/Treasury Board Library, where her passion for information management lead to a keen interest in the potentialities of metadata for improved resource discovery. Three years ago, she moved to Library and Archives Canada (LAC) to develop a new service: providing customized high-quality metadata to other government departments on a cost-recovery basis. Deane is presently leading the LAC Catalytic Initiative on metadata strategy, focusing on innovative ways of enhancing user access to LAC's holdings of published and unpublished information resources by leveraging the power of descriptive standards. |