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Banner: Canadian Metadata Forum 2005 - Metadata: A Reality Check


  • Downloadable program with timings [RTF 69 KB]
Pre-Forum Event:
Innovations in Metadata Research

WHEN: Monday, September 26, 1:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.
WHERE: Library and Archives Canada, Auditorium, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Canada

Metadata Strategy at Library and Archives Canada, presented by Deane Zeeman, Lead, Metadata Strategy Catalytic Initiative, Library and Archives Canada

Metadata and Description: Findings and New Research Trajectories from the InterPARES2 Project, presented by Dr. Joseph Tennis, Assistant Professor, School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of British Columbia

Admission is free. Reservations are not required.

Tuesday, September 27

Metadata Demystified
Karen Morgenroth, Data Management Coordinator, CISTI, National Research Council Canada
Metadata still a mystery? Sit in on this one-hour primer and take a fresh look at (or refresher on) the basics.

Welcome and opening remarks
Ian E. Wilson, Librarian and Archivist of Canada

Keynote Address
Michael Gorman, president of the American Library Association, Dean of Library Services at the Henry Madden Library, California State University, Fresno.

Death of Metadata
Jeffrey Beall, Library, University of Colorado at Denver
Is metadata dead, or has word of its death been greatly exaggerated? The author of the article "Dublin Core: An Obituary" tells it as he sees it.

Metadata vs. Full-Text Search Engines
Denise Bedford, World Bank
The question is no longer full-text versus catalogue-type searching; the question is how and when you will implement semantic searching to promote interoperability.

Exploiting Metadata
Panellists: Linda Jackman, Consultant, Sierra Systems and Pierre Dumouchel, Vice-Président Scientifique, Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montréal (CRIM)
Discover how metadata can be a powerful tool for managing information for the Canadian Military History Gateway and the Centre de recherche informatique de Montréal.

Controlled Vocabulary and "Folksonomies"
Louise Spiteri, School of Information Management, Dalhousie University
Are folksonomies fundamentally chaotic and imprecise, or supremely responsive to user needs and vocabularies? Are they a revolution of self-organization on the Internet, or mob indexing at its worst?

Wednesday, September 28

Workshop A: Costing Models for Metadata
Pierre Dulude, Canadian Culture Online, Department of Canadian Heritage and David McCallum, IM Consultant
Management decision-making for metadata implementation. When and where should you put your financial and human resources?

Workshop B: Application Profiles
Marie-Claude Côté and Margaret Devey, Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat
Explore the challenges of application profiles. What is their role in information exchange?

Workshop C: Categorization-In-The-Box: What's It All About?
Facilitator: Linda Farmer, Consultant, Second Knowledge Solutions (K2s)
What can the tools do for us?

Standards - It's a Jungle Out There!
Facilitator: James Turner, École de la bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information (EBSI)

Archival standards: Wendy Duff, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto
Multimedia standards: Alex Eykelhof, Bibliocentre
Records Management standards: Sue Franklin, Government Information Management Office, LAC
Museum documentation: Françoise Simard, Réseau Info-Muse, Société des musées québécois
Technical standards: Cecil Somerton, Information Management Strategies, Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat
Bibliographic standards: Marg Stewart, Intellectual Management Office, LAC
Panel discussion on using standards in a variety of domains. Here is your opportunity to influence the program. When you register, submit your burning questions for discussion by our panel of experts.

Convergence and Extensibility in the Metadata Domain
Facilitator: Greg Renaud, Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat

Convergence: Maryann Welke, Management Board Secretariat, Province of Ontario; Fay Turner Government of Canada Clusters & Gateways; John Roberts, National Archives of New Zealand and chair, Dublin Core GOV Working Group
Provincial, federal and international perspectives on the benefits of interoperable information-sharing standards

Extensibility: Mark Jordan, Simon Fraser University and Guy St-Onge, Radio-Canada
Extending a common-core standard to apply it to a domain- (academic) or format- (multimedia) specific implementation.

Closing Session
Dr. Dale Anderson, Research Coordinator, Canadian Century Research Infrastructure (CCRI)