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Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities
Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities are great ways to raise awareness and maximize exposure of your company to the Canadian metadata community. This is an opportunity for you and your company to be recognized as a strong supporter of the metadata community. Don't miss this opportunity to present your latest initiatives and products.
Approximately three hundred experts from the Canadian metadata community, both government (federal and provincial) and non-government, including libraries, archives, museums, educational and research institutions, academia, multimedia producers and other experts will gather in Ottawa to discuss questions related to all aspects of metadata.
Your company can be part of this event.
The Canadian Metadata Forum 2005 is pleased to present the following sponsorship packages:
Platinum Level - $3,000 |
Includes: |
- 2 Complimentary registrations
- Recognition as a Platinum Sponsor on all Canadian Metadata Forum 2005 email announcements
- Corporate logo prominently displayed throughout the Canadian Metadata Forum 2005 events
- Corporate logo and hotlink on the Canadian Metadata Forum 2005 website
- Corporate logo branded on PowerPoint slides between presentations
- 1 piece of promotional give-away material (e.g. pen, key-ring, notepad) in the delegate kit, EXCLUDING product promotional literature*
BONUS OFFER: Platinum sponsors may take advantage of a special offer to reserve an exhibition booth at a discounted rate of $600
A $1,200 value!
Gold Level - $2,000 |
Includes: |
- 1 complimentary registration
- Recognition as a Gold Sponsor on all Canadian Metadata Forum 2005 email announcements
- Corporate logo prominently displayed throughout the Canadian Metadata Forum 2005 events
- Corporate logo branded on PowerPoint slides between presentations
- Corporate logo and hotlink on the Canadian Metadata Forum 2005 website
BONUS OFFER: Gold sponsors may take advantage of a special offer to reserve an exhibition booth at a discounted rate of $750
A $1,200 value!
Silver Level (Exhibitor Package) - $1,200 |
Includes: |
- 1 complimentary registration
- Recognition as a Silver Sponsor on all Canadian Metadata Forum 2005 email announcements
- Corporate logo on the Canadian Metadata Forum 2005 website
- Promotional booth space (10' x 10' space)
- 1 high-speed Internet connection
Please note that the exhibitor package does not include:
- Identifying signs and banners
- Telephones/telephone jacks
- Power bars, extension cords
- Audio-visual materials or equipment (i.e., laptops, projectors, screens, software)
- Shipping/freight
Reserve your space early - space is limited!
Bronze Level - $500 |
Includes: |
- Corporate logo on the Canada Metadata Forum 2005 website
- 1 piece of promotional give-away material (e.g. pen, key-ring, notepad) in the delegate kit, EXCLUDING product promotional literature*
For further information on Canadian Metadata Forum 2005 sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities, please contact Mrs. Cindy Hick, Conference Organizer, HPB Association Management Services Inc., Ottawa, ON at (613) 726-7111 or by email at hick@bellnet.ca.
* Promotional literature of government agencies (including Special Operating Agencies and Crown Corporations) may be included in delegate kits.