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Sponsors and Exhibitors Links

The Canadian Metadata Forum 2005 gratefully acknowledges and appreciates the support of the following organizations in making this event a success.

Together we are building excellence in the field of information management in Canada.

Platinum Level

Bell Security Solutions Logo linking to their website

Bell Security Solutions


Locus Software Logo linking to their website

Locus Software


SchemaLogic Logo linking to their website



Gold Level

VIARail Canada Logo linking to their website

VIA Rail Canada Inc., the official ground transportation carrier for the Forum, is offering delegates a special conference fare.

VIARail Canada


Silver Level

OCLC Canada Logo linking to their website

OCLC Canada


Deloitte Logo linking to their website



InformCanada Logo linking to their website


Bronze Level


Canadian Initiative on Digital Libraries Logo linking to their website

Canadian Initiative on Digital Libraries


For further information on Canadian Metadata Forum 2005 sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities, please contact Mrs. Cindy Hick, Conference Organizer, HPB Association Management Services Inc., Ottawa, Ontario at (613) 726-7111 or by email at hick@bellnet.ca.