ISO symbol

ISO TC 46/SC 9

Information and Documentation -
Identification and Description


Document register


WG 1 (ISAN & v-ISAN)





Project 690
(References and citations)

CD 3297

ISO 15706 DAM1
(Amendment 1)

DIS 15706-2
(ISAN version identifier)

DIS 21047

Project 27729

Systematic review

Glossary of terms


Related work

Monitoring MPEG-21 work

ISO Central

Member organizations

Liaison organizations

Other ISO TC46 subcommittees



What is ISO TC 46/SC 9?

  • ISO is the International Organization for Standardization.

  • TC 46 is ISO's Technical Committee (TC) for information and documentation standards.

  • SC 9 is the TC 46 Subcommittee (SC) that develops and maintains ISO standards on the identification and description of information resources.

The Secretariat for ISO TC 46/SC 9 is provided by Library and Archives Canada on behalf of the Standards Council of Canada, a member of the ISO.

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General information about ISO

General information about ISO is available on the Web site for the ISO Central Secretariat in Geneva, along with the following items:

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Standards developed by ISO TC46/SC9

Please note that ISO standards are not available from the ISO TC 46/SC 9 Secretariat.
Information on how to order ISO standards is available from the ISO Central Secretariat.

  • ISO 4:1997, Information and documentation - Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles of publications. Third edition.

  • ISO 690:1987, Documentation -- Bibliographic references - Content, form and structure. Second edition.

  • ISO 690-2:1997, Information and documentation -- Bibliographic references -- Part 2: Electronic documents or parts thereof. First edition.
    [Également disponible en français]
  • ISO 832:1994, Information and documentation -- Bibliographic description and references - Rules for the abbreviation of bibliographic terms. Second edition.

  • ISO 999:1996, Information and documentation - Guidelines for the content, organization and presentation of indexes. Second edition.

  • ISO 2108:1992, Information and documentation - International Standard Book Numbering (ISBN). Third edition.

  • ISO 2788:1986, Documentation - Guidelines for the establishment and development of monolingual thesauri. Second edition.

  • ISO 3297:1998, Information and documentation - International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). Third edition.

  • ISO 3901:2001, Information and documentation - International Standard Recording Code (ISRC). Second edition.

  • ISO 5963:1985, Documentation - Methods for examining documents, determining their subjects, and selecting indexing terms. First edition.

  • ISO 5964:1985, Documentation - Guidelines for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri. First edition.

  • ISO 10324:1997, Information and documentation - Holdings statements - Summary level. First edition.

  • ISO 10444:1994, Information and documentation - International standard technical report number (ISRN). First edition.

  • ISO 10957:1993, Information and documentation - International Standard Music Number (ISMN). First edition.

  • ISO 15706:2002, Information and documentation - International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN). First edition.

  • ISO 15707:2001, Information and documentation - International Standard Musical Work Code (ISWC). First edition.

  • ISO Technical Report 21449:2004, Content Delivery and Rights Management - Functional Requirements for Identifiers and Descriptors for Use in the Music, Film, Video, Sound Recording, and Publishing Industries. First edition.

  • Glossary of terms and definitions in ISO standards for the identification and description of information resources [under development].

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Questions or comments?

If you have questions or comments about ISO TC 46/SC 9 and its activities, please contact:

Jane Thacker
ISO TC 46/SC 9 Secretariat
Library and Archives of Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa K1A 0N4

E-mail: iso.tc46.sc9@lac-bac.gc.ca
Telefax: (819) 934-4388

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Copyright © ISO 2006.
Last update: 2006-09-09.
Comments: iso.tc46.sc9@lac-bac.gc.ca

The ISO TC46/SC9 Secretariat is provided by Library and Archives Canada on behalf of the Standards Council of Canada, a member of the ISO.