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Download DjVu

In order to view enhanced page images, download the DjVu plug-in. Select your browser type for specific download instructions.

Internet Explorer (Windows)
Internet Explorer (Mac)
Netscape (Windows)
Netscape (Mac)

Internet Explorer (Windows)

These instructions apply to Internet Explorer 5 and higher. Earlier versions of IE may work differently.

  • Go to the LizardTech Software Download page (www.lizardtech.com/download/)
  • Select "Click Here to Auto Install" and follow instructions
  • Once the installation is complete, use your browser's back button to return to RPM

Internet Explorer (Mac)

These instructions apply to Internet Explorer 5 and higher. Earlier versions of IE may work differently.

  • Go to the LizardTech Software Download page (www.lizardtech.com/download/)
  • Select "Mac OS X" or "Mac OS 9" on the drop-down menu
  • Select the "Download" button
  • Open using Stuffit Expander (this might happen automatically)
  • Quit Internet Explorer then double-click the "DjVu Browser Plug-in Installer" and follow instructions
  • Once the installation is complete, re-start Internet Explorer to activate DjVu
  • If this does not work, try re-starting your computer

Netscape (Windows)

These instructions apply to Netscape 4.72 and higher. Earlier versions of Netscape may work differently.

  • Go to the LizardTech Software Download page (www.lizardtech.com/download/)
  • Select the "Download" button
  • Save the DjVuBrowserPlug-in on your computer (make sure you know where it is stored)
  • Use Run on your Start menu to run the DjVuBrowserPlug-in.exe file OR use Windows Explorer to double click on DjVuBrowserPlug-in.exe to complete the installation
  • Once the installation is complete, close and re-start Netscape to activate DjVu

Netscape (Mac)

The DjVu browser plug-in is supported on Netscape 4.5 and 4.7 or higher.

  • Go to the LizardTech Software Download page (www.lizardtech.com/download/)
  • Select "Mac OS X" or "Mac OS 9" on the drop-down menu
  • Select the "Download" button
  • Open using Stuffit Expander (this might happen automatically)
  • Quit Netscape then double-click the "DjVu Browser Plug-in Installer" and follow instructions
  • Once the installation is complete, re-start Netscape to activate DjVu
  • If this does not work, try re-starting your computer