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Section title: Great Hockey Stories

1972 - Canada Defeats the Soviet Union in the Summit Series

When Canada and Russia faced off in 1972, Canadian fans thought that Team Canada would have no trouble winning the eight-game series. But the series didn't go the way everyone thought it would.

The Russians proved to be excellent players and it looked as though Team Canada might be in trouble. The Russians surprised everyone by winning the very first game. How could this be? Hockey was Canada's national sport! The last game was the tie-breaker and the whole country was watching on television. Classes stopped as students watched the game in school gymnasiums across Canada. With 37 seconds left in the game, Paul Henderson took the puck and shot at the Soviet net. Team Canada had scored the winning goal! The 1972 Canada/Soviet Union Series remains a spectacular moment in hockey history.


34 seconds to go, Henderson does it again. FROM RUSSIA WITH GLORY

Victoire finale: 6-5, PHÉNOMÉNALE REMONTÉE DE L'ÉQUIPE - CANADA. PAUL HENDERSON héros une troisième fois.

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