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Section title: Great Hockey Stories

1951 - The Legend of Bill Barilko

The whereabouts of Bill Barilko remained a mystery for 12 years. In 1951, Bill took off on a private plane for a fishing trip in Northern Ontario with a friend. He was never seen again.


Bill Barilko was a talented defenceman with the Toronto Maple Leafs. People thought he was going to be a big star in hockey. At age 24, the young man from Timmins, Ontario made newspaper headlines when he scored the winning goal in overtime in the 1951 Stanley Cup finals against Montréal. It was the last game he ever played. So, what did happen to Bill?

Twelve years after his disappearance, the wreckage of a plane was found. It was the plane Bill Barilko had been on the day he went missing. The legend of Bill Barilko has been kept alive by the Tragically Hip's "Fifty-Mission Cap" and the Grievous Angels' "Bill Barilko Song."

Leafs Win Stanley Cup in Dramatic Climax. Barilko's Goal Sinks Canadiens, 3-2, To End Tremendous Overtime Series.

Les Maple Leafs gagnent la coupe Stanley. Bill Barilko réussit le but victorieux après 2 mins. 52 sec. D'une période supplémentaire.

Search Shifts. Hunt For Barilko East of Timmins

Barilko est à bord d'un avion disparu près de Timmins.

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