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Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea)   “A Black Wood Cutter at Shelburne, Nova Scotia”
Joseph Brant (Thayen. . .   “A Black Wood Cutter. . .
The Perspective that Confederation Gives to Families [translation]   “Part of the Town of Shelburne in Nova Scotia, with the Barracks Opposite”
The Perspective that. . .   “Part of the Town of. . .
John Johnson   “Confederation! The Much-Fathered Youngster”
John Johnson   “Confederation! The . . .
“Dominion Day: Something for the Father of Confederation to Think Over”   Ann (Nancy) Johnson
“Dominion Day: Somet. . .   Ann (Nancy) Johnson
“Langevin. Cauchon. Cartier”   “Battle of Ridgeway, C.W.: Desperate Charge of the Fenians, under Co. O’Neill, near Ridgeway Station, June 2, 1866, and Total Route of the British Troops, Including the Queen’s Own Regt. under Command of Col. Brooker”
“Langevin. Cauchon. . . .   “Battle of Ridgeway,. . .
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