General Reference Sources
The reader will find guidance in general reference sources on the Canadian forces and Canadian military history, as well as the general sources on the North-West troubles within Canadian history. Most of the militia units which took part in the Campaign have survived into modern times. Dornbusch and The regiments and corps of the Canadian Army guide the reader from the 1885 units almost to the present day: both are now somewhat dated. The militia list for 1885 gives a good picture of the organization and the officers of those militia units on the eve of the Campaign.
Arora, Ved, comp. - Louis Riel : a bibliography. - 2nd ed. rev. - Regina : Saskatchewan Library Association with the cooperation of Saskatchewan Library, 1985. - 193 p.
_____ . - The Saskatchewan bibliography. - Regina : Saskatchewan Provincial Library, 1980. - 787 p.
_____ . - The Saskatchewan bibliography. First supplement. - Regina : Saskatchewan Library Association, 1993. - 694 p.
Canada. Army Headquarters. Army Historical Section. - The regiments and corps of the Canadian Army. Ottawa : Queen's Printer, 1964. - 253 p. - (The Canadian Army list, vol. 1)
[Canada. Dept. of Militia and Defence.] - The militia list of the Dominion of Canada. - Ottawa : [s.n.], 1885.
Canadian history : a reader's guide. - Volume 2: Confederation to the present. - Doug Owram, ed. - Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1994. - P. 18-19, 192-195
Cooke, O.A. - The Canadian military experience 1867-1995 : a bibliography = Bibliographie de la vie militaire au Canada, 1867-1995. - 3d ed. - Ottawa : Directorate of History and Heritage, Dept. of National Defence, 1997. - 520 p - (Department of National Defence Directorate of History and Heritage ; Monograph series no. 2)
Dornbusch, C.E., comp. - The Canadian Army, 1855-1965 : lineages - regimental histories. - Cornwallville, N.Y. : Hope Farm Press, 1966. - 179 p.
Peel, Bruce Braden. - A bibliography of the Prairie Provinces to 1953, with biographical index. - 2nd ed. - Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c1973. - 780 p.
- Supplementary bibliography produced by Edmonton Public Library, Western Canadiana Collection, 1986