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Graphical element Home > War and Military > From Colony to Country Français
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Graphical elementIntroductionAbout This SiteCommentsImage GalleryGraphical element
Graphical elementBanner: From Colony to Country: A Reader's Guide to Canadian Military HistoryGraphical element
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Canadian Military History: An Overview
War of 1812
Rebellions of 1837 and 1838
Northwest Campaign
South African War
First World War
Second World War
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General References
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Government and the Military
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Personal Stories
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Art, Music and Literature
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Web Research
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South African War
Web Research

The WWW provides a variety of factual, visual and bibliographic information which complements print sources. In addition to reproductions of historic documents, access to full-text documents, the Web's recent scholarship often brings current perspective to issues such as the role of the indigenous African population, concentration camps, women, and the role of trade and economics in the War.


Library and Archives Canada's Website leads AMICUS, the catalogue of Library and Archives' collections (over 2 million records), which can be searched free of charge, as well as a union catalogue which provides library locations for material throughout Canada (over 20 million records). The Canadian Library Gateway provides links to other library Websites, catalogues, etc. Access:

Library and Archives Canada's website leads to ArchiviaNet through which many of their archival records, particularly official government records, may be searched by descriptive keywords. ArchiviaNet provides access to selected finding aids and textual records from a variety of record groups. Searching ArchiviaNet provides a good starting point for the holdings of Library and Archives Canada but should not be regarded as complete.

The Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions (CIHM) database is a catalogue of microfiche reprints produced by CIHM, which contains many titles related to the South African War and the period 1899-1902.


Early Canadiana Online

  • A Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions (CIHM) project. A full-text online collection of more than 3000 books and pamphlets documenting Canadian history from the first European contact to the late 19th century.

Canadian War Museum


  • The Military History Research Centre's online catalogue, allows users to search the library and archives collections of both the Canadian War Museum and the Canadian Museum of Civilization.

Directorate of History, Dept. of National Defence

South African War Virtual Library

  • A comprehensive and well-designed source of bibliographic and factual information on the War. Includes Canadian information.

Veterans Affairs Canada

  • Includes historical information, Books of Remembrance, and biographies such as that of John McCrae.

The South African Military History Society = Die Suid-Afrikaanse Krygshistoriese Vereniging Military History Journal

  • Articles published over the last 31 years; full-text online for some articles.


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