Canadian Sheet Music from the Time of the Boer War
Whose valiant deeds and iron nerve deserve the palm to bear? The answer comes with ringing cheers, "Young Canada was there". Hurrah! Hurrah! The Maple Leaf we'll ever proudly wear, Rallying round the Union Jack, young Canada was there.
Muir, Alexander. - Young Canada was there. - Toronto : Whaley, Royce & Co., ©1900.
Andrews, Chas. E. - Hurrah for our boys in khaki. - Words by Fred W. Adams. - Toronto : R. S. Williams & Sons Co. Limited, ©1900.
Godfrey, H.H. - Johnny Canuck's the lad. - Toronto : Gourlay, Winter & Leeming, ©1900.
Hughes, A.W. - Pretoria march and two step. - Toronto : W.H. Hodgins & Co., ©1900.
Keyworth, Thos. W. - The flower of the prairie or The boys return. - Toronto : Whaley, Royce & Co., ©1900.
Muir, Alexander. - Young Canada was there. - Toronto : Whaley, Royce & Co., ©1900.
Noel, Ellen Vavasour. - Memorial march. - Toronto : Whaley, Royce & Co., ©1900.
Poisson, Roméo. - The Canadian Contingents march, Op. 34. - Toronto : Whaley, Royce & Co., ©1900.
Strand, R. Percy. - Canadian volunteers. - Words by Herbert L. Manks. -Toronto : Hamilton : The Nordheimer Piano and Music Co. Limited, ©1900.
Tapley, Byron C. - Canadian Contingent march. - Saint John : Byron C. Tapley, ©1900.
Wallace, William M. - The Queen's brave Canadians. - Arranged by W. E. Rosendale. - Saint John : Maritime Steam Lithographing Co., ©1900.
Weiler, H.J. - Remember our soldier boys. - Baden, Ont. : H.J. Weiler, ©1900.