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Unveiling of a plaque commemorating the five Alberta women whose efforts resulted in the Persons Case, which established the rights of women to hold public office in Canada

Ecopy: c054523
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Item (linked) Part of:
National Film Board of Canada. Still Photography Division

Bilingual Equivalent: Inauguration d'une plaque à la mémoire des cinq Albertaines dont les efforts se sont soldés par l'affaire « personnes », qui a permis d'établir le droit des femmes d'exercer des fonctions officielles au Canada

11 June 1938 , Place of publication: Ottawa, Ont,

    1 photograph

Scope and content
(Front row, L-R): Mrs. Muir Edwards, daughter-in-law of Henrietta Muir Edwards; Mrs. J.C. Kenwood, daughter of Judge Emily Murphy; Hon. Mackenzie King; Mrs. Nellie McClung. (Rear row, L-R): Senators Iva Campbell Fallis, Cairine Wilson

Conditions of Access
Graphic (photo) 
(Copy negative) C-054523
90: Open

Terms of use
Credit: Eugene M. Finn / National Film Board of Canada. Photothèque / Library and Archives Canada / C-054523
Restrictions on use: Nil
Copyright: Expired

Additional name(s)
Finn, Eugene M

Reference Numbers
Copy negative: C-054523
Item no. (creator): XA-93
Other accession no.: 1971-271 NPC

Additional Information
Plaque was photographed as KB-177 (C-009726) in National Film Board, Canadian Government Motion Picture Bureau holdings
Described by the RECON project.

Subject heading
Fallis Iva Campbell 1883-1956
Kenwood J.C. Mrs
King William Lyon Mackenzie Rt. Hon
King William Lyon Mackenzie 1874-1950
McClung Nellie L. 1873-1951
Wilson Cairine R. 1885-1962

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