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 Archives Search Result
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 Type of material: All
  Films and Videos (1)
Photographic material (121)
Textual material (1)
 Online: Digital All
  No (42)
Yes (79)
 Hierarchical Level: All
  Fonds/Collections (1)
Item (119)
Accession (1)
 Date: All
  -1900 (3)
1910s (118)
1920s (1)
1930s (1)
1940s (1)
1950s (1)
1960s (1)
1970s (1)
 1.  William Rider-Rider fonds [textual record, graphic material].
Rider-Rider, William, 1889- 1917-1944.. Fonds.
 2.  (World War I - 1914 - 1918) Passchendaele, now a field of mud. November, 1917. (The Battles of Ypres) Digital
Nov. 1917. Item (Accession level).
 3.  (World War I - 1914 - 1918) Passchendaele, now a field of mud. November, 1917. (The Battles of Ypres) Digital
Nov. 1917. Item (Accession level).
 4.  Les Canadiens avancent sur la place publique à Cambrai, en France, des incendies faisant rage sur trois côtés. Avance à l'est d'Arras. Octobre 1918. Digital
octobre 1918. Item (Accession level).
 5.  Canadian troops entering Germany en route to the Rhine River.
déc. 1918. Item (Accession level).
 6.  Les troupes canadiennes se mettent à l'abri dans un fossé le long de la route d'Arras à Cambrai. Digital
sept. 1918. Item (Accession level).
 7.  Canadian troops passing through Ypres, showing the Cloth Hall and the Cathedral.
nov. 1917. Item (Accession level).
 8.  Panorama of the Canadian troops passing through Ypres, showing the Cloth Hall and the Cathedral.
nov. 1917. Item (Accession level).
 9.  Cemetery in which many Canadian soldiers are buried.
juil. 1918. Item (Accession level).
 10.  Memorial to men of the 2nd Canadian Division who were killed at Vimy Ridge.
juil. 1918. Item (Accession level).
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