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Protocol Office
Nova Scotia, Canada
Protocol Office (902) 424-4463
Hints on completing this service request form. [Help]
Occasion Information:

Type of Occasion: *

Date of Occasion: *

Number of Years: *
Date of Reception
(if different than Occasion Date):

Certificate(s) in: *

Celebrant Information:
Please do NOT use nicknames or abbreviations.
Salutation: Address Line 1: *
Last Name: *
Address Line 2:
First Name: *
City: *
Initials: Postal Code: *
(Format: B9A 9A9)

* Indicates required field.

Please note: the Certificate Program co-ordinator is available Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

To ensure timely delivery, please submit certificate request at least 6 weeks in advance of celebration. Requests for congratulatory messages from the Governor General and Queen should be submitted at least 8 weeks in advance of celebration.

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This page and all contents Crown copyright © 2004, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved.
Comments to Protocol Office: macmulcj@gov.ns.ca / 2004-Nov-22.


Note on accessibility