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Nova Scotia Government Website Privacy Policy Statement

Basic Statement

Government of Nova Scotia websites are covered by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Our privacy policy arises from that Act, other legislation, and fair information practices.

What it means

On our websites, we collect personal information about you only when you explicitly provide it. Examples of that collection would be when you renew your vehicle registration, apply for a marriage certificate online, or request tourist information to be mailed to you. We protect the personal information given to us when you fill out a form. We have implemented a variety of security measures to ensure that your personal information is not lost, misused, altered, or unintentionally destroyed.

What do we mean by personal information?

By "personal information" we mean any information about you as an identifiable individual including your name, an identifying number such as your driver's licence number, your birth date, your email address, or your credit card information. (For other examples, see: Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 3(1) (i))

What we don't do

We do not provide personal information gathered on the websites to third parties except with your express permission or as permitted by law. (For example, see: Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 27)

What we might do

We may release or use your personal information provided on the websites for the purpose for which it was provided or for a compatible purpose. We may also do so if we are permitted under law, such as under a subpoena, or to collect a debt owing to the province. This may include sharing information within the government when it is necessary. (For example, see: Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, sections 26 & 27)

Access to your information

You are entitled to correct any personal information gathered through the websites that we hold about you. If you want to correct your personal information, there will be an appropriate contact listed for you to direct enquiries. If no contact is identified, then you should contact the webmaster of the relevant site. (For example, see: Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 25)

Do we use cookies or tracking devices?

Government websites may use cookies or tracking devices during your visit to our website. Information gathered by these technologies will disappear once you leave the website unless there is notice to the contrary on the website.

Server Logs

Government web servers automatically collect some information about a visitor's computer or other access device, such as its Internet protocol address or browser version, in their logs. This information is used in aggregate form for statistical purposes only.

Further Information

Nova Scotia Government Website Privacy Policy

Contact the Office of Economic Development

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This page and all contents Crown copyright © 2004, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved.
Comments / 2004-May-26.

Note on accessibility.