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Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management
gov.ns.ca > Tourism, Culture and Heritage > NSARM > Virtual Exhibits > The Prat Sisters > Exhibit

The Prat Sisters: Free Spirits of the 1890s

"Nova Scotia's Wild White Iris"

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Inscription on reverse reads, in part: "My most precious plate... This wild white iris: Iris family. Said by the late Dr. J.S. Mackay, Supt. of Education for Nova Scotia to be 'a priceless treasure!' It was discovered by the late Noel H. Wilcox (Archdeacon of Halifax, Nova Scotia), his mother, Mrs. C.S. Wilcox, and A.L. Prat; in Nova Scotia. It grew amid a lot of its blue cousins. Archdeacon Wilcox waded into the very swampy place, & secured a root, which he planted in a wild garden; where it rested; not blooming again until eleven years had passed. The plant has since bloomed yearly. - A.L.P."

Watercolour over pencil

Annie L. Prat

Prat, Starr family

Reference no.:
Prat, Starr family: NSARM 1979-147.595 no. 21

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