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Past Recipients


ONS 2005 recipients.
Front Row L-R: Front Row Left to Right: Dr. Jack Yazer, Lt.-Gov. Myra Freeman, Lawrence Freeman, The Honourable Constance R. Glube; Back Row L-R: Kathleen Reddy, Helen Reddy, James Cyril Reddy (all on behalf of Michael Joseph Cyril Reddy), Premier John Hamm, Rodney MacDonald, Minister Responsible for the Order of Nova Scotia, Theresa Helen McNeil, and Laura Ann Lewis (representing Rita MacNeil).

Click here to see the ONS 2005 recipients page.


ONS 2004 recipients.
Front row: L - R: Dr. Anne Marie Comeau, Lt.-Gov. Myra Freeman, Lawrence Freeman, Dr. Major (ret'd) Marial M. Mosher; Back row: L - R: Mr. Donald Michael Julien, Premier John Hamm, Rodney MacDonald, Minister responsible for the Order of Nova Scotia Act, Dr. Oscar Shiu-Yuet Wong.

Click here to see the ONS 2004 recipients page.


ONS 2003 recipients.
Front row: L - R: Premier John Hamm, Lt.-Gov. Myra Freeman, Lawrence Freeman, Rodney MacDonald, Minister responsible for the Order of Nova Scotia Act; Back row: L - R: Sister Dorothy Moore, Sydney Mines; David Alexander Colville, Wolfville; Shirley Burnham Elliott, Wolfville; R. Hugh Allan (Buddy) MacMaster, Judique; Robert Arnold Burden, Springhill.

Click here to see the ONS 2003 recipients page.


Order of Nova Scotia Recipients - 2002
Back row, left to right: Marie Elwood, John Boudreau, Edith Cromwell, Daniel Paul, John Savage, James Kehoe, Lorne Clarke, and Shirley Chernin. Front row, left to right: James Kinley, Lieutenant-Governor from 1994 to 2000; Al Abraham, Lieutenant-Governor from 1984 to 1989; Premier John Hamm; Lieut.-Gov. Myra Freeman; His Honour Lawrence Freeman; Rodney MacDonald, Minister of Tourism; Lloyd Crouse, Lieutenant-Governor from 1989 to 1994.

Click here to see the ONS 2002 recipients page.

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This page and all contents Crown copyright © 2004, Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved.
Comments to: orderofnovascotia@gov.ns.ca /2004-Aug-23.

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