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Monday, November 27, 2006

Come to spectacular scenery, internationally recognized educational institutions, a competitive business climate, and a dynamic arts and culture environment. It's all just a click away.

Latest News Releases

Last of the Domtar Tank Contents Destroyed
November 27, 2006
The last of the Domtar tank contents have been destroyed. Clean Harbors Canada notified the Sydney... (full text)
Province Hosts Guyana Municipal Service Officials
November 27, 2006
The province's municipal services staff will play host to officials from the Ministry of Local Government... (full text)
Pension Changes to Control Contribution Growth
November 27, 2006
Changes to solvency requirements under the Pension Benefits Act will help municipalities and their employees... (full text)
Gambling Study Re-tendered
November 27, 2006
A new Request for Proposals for a study into the social and economic impacts of gambling in Nova Scotia... (full text)
Bridgewater Access Centre to Mark Grand Opening Today
November 27, 2006
The Bridgewater Access Nova Scotia centre will celebrate its official grand opening today, Nov. 27,... (full text)
Youth to Represent Canada at Commonwealth Conference
November 27, 2006
A passion for student advocacy has earned a Nova Scotia youth the opportunity to share his views with... (full text)
Labour Relations Board Issues Cease and Desist Order
November 24, 2006
The Labour Relations Board announced that it has taken action to end an illegal strike which commenced... (full text)
Brain Repair Centre: Life Changing Technology
November 24, 2006
NOTE: The following feature story was written by Kim Dunn for the Nova Scotia "Come to life" initiative.... (full text)
Weekly Traffic Advisories
November 24, 2006
NEW WORK --- COLCHESTER COUNTY: Harold Higgins Bridge The Harold Higgins Bridge on the Higgins... (full text)
Amendments to Petroleum Products Pricing Act Approved
November 24, 2006
Beginning Friday, Dec. 1, gasoline prices for the general motoring public will be set every second Friday... (full text)
Comments Invited on Forest Sustainability Regulations
November 24, 2006
Nova Scotians are invited to comment on proposed changes to forest sustainability regulations designed... (full text)
Community Services Introduces New Toll-free Child Welfare Number
November 24, 2006
A new toll-free phone line will make it easier for Nova Scotians to report suspected child abuse or... (full text)