Resources for Stage 7: Evaluation
Information Management Capacity Check Tool Source: Library and Archives Canada Description: A flexible self-assessment tool that can help institutions and workgroups assess the state of their IM abilities and practices against a common standard. Brings together all the elements of IM, compares against best practices, and provides information to enable management to develop plans for improvements to their own IM practices.
Performance Measurement Source: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Description: By using comprehensive performance information, more informed decisions can be made about IT investments at a time when resources are limited and public demands for improved government service are high.
IM/IT Investment Evaluation Guide Source: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Description: Detailed description of how to plan, choose, track and evaluate IM/IT Investments.
Trustworthy Information Systems Handbook Source: State Archives Department, Minnesota Historical Society Description: Help information systems developers and policy makers to be confident that their information systems can support accountability to elected officials and citizens by creating reliable, authentic, and accessible information and records.
Audit Criteria for the Assessment of the Fairness and Reliability of Performance Information Source: Office of the Auditor General of Canada Description: Provides the detailed criteria the Office uses to assess the fairness and reliability of performance information in annual reports.
Records Tools Source: Environmental Protection Agency, USA Description: A good set of instructions and tools for managing and disposing of records, including specific guidance on emails.
Records Management Assessment Toolkit for Project Managers Source: World Bank Group Archives Description: 4 sets of questionnaires (tools) to be used as a starting point for determining whether public sector records systems provide the evidence required to implement public sector improvement programs, to meet the objectives of those programs, and to ensure their sustainability.
Government Security Policy Source: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Description: The Government Security Policy prescribes the application of safeguards to reduce the risk of injury. It is designed to protect employees, preserve the confidentiality, integrity, availability and value of assets, and assure the continued delivery of services. Since the Government of Canada relies extensively on information technology (IT) to provide its services, this policy emphasises the need for departments to monitor their electronic operations.
Guide to the Audit of Security Source: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Description: A guide for planning and evaluating security measures.
Audit Guide - Information Technology Security Source: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Description: Provides guidance in conducting self-assessments and audits of the implementation of the Government Security Policy and the information technology security (ITS) operational standards.
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