Outputs from Stage 7: Evaluation
Effective evaluation of IM programs yields three key outputs that are helpful in identifying areas of strength and deficit, and that point towards actions that can be taken to strengthen IM initiatives:
Completed IM Capacity Check Designed in partnership with key stakeholders, the IM Capacity Check helps you self-assess your IM capacities against generally accepted best practices. The tool is flexible enough to be applied to projects, workgroups, departments, and even multi-departmental cluster initiatives. It can also help you plan the right IM targets, priorities, and timelines to strengthen your capacities over time.
Library and Archives Canada has undertaken several successful pilot programs with the IM Capacity Check tool. To begin a self-assessment using the IM Capacity Check, contact us.
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Results of Internal Reviews, Evaluations, Audits or Client Surveys It is important to take stock of the effectiveness of your IM programs and initiatives. You can use a variety of mechanisms to assess your programs, including reviews, evaluations, audits or client surveys. These will provide valuable third-party and user input into your program design, allowing you to clearly see where programs are strong, and where they need to be strengthened.
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Report that Recommends Input into the Next Stage 1: IM Planning Cycle Your findings should be consolidated into a summary report that explores your measurement targets, assessment tools and methodologies, findings, and recommendations for improvements. This is a key input to Stage 1: IM Planning, and a critical facet of continuous improvement in the area of IM.
When you have completed your report, consider sharing it with the IM community by sending your final report to us. We will then add it as a resource link on this website, so that other members of the IM community can benefit from what you've learned. Contact us so that we can add your resources to our growing pool of shared knowledge.
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