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CIDL Activities 2005

CIDL Supports Open Canada Digitization Initiative

The Canadian Initiative on Digital Libraries, a cross-sectoral organization that includes membership from a variety of types of libraries and is open to other like-minded memory organizations, endorses the Open Canada Digitization Initiative (OCDI) initiated by Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) and supports the general principles of the draft vision and declaration documents.
CIDL Minutes, December 2005

CIDL Metadata Standards Working Group conducts Metadata Survey

The 2005 Metadata Standards Working Group conducted a national survey in October, 2005 to promote the awareness of standards for the description of resources, the exchange of metadata among institutions and the use of metadata in digital tool sets. Results will be submitted to the Steering Committee in 2006.

CIDL Sponsors Canadian Metadata Forum 2005

Library and Archives Canada September 27 & 28, 2005
CIDL assisted the Library and Archives Canada with preparations for the 2005 Metadata Forum. CIDL also supported the Metadata Forum with a $500 sponsorship. The Forum investigates how to realize the investment in metadata and how to influence metadata policy where it matters most: organizations and search engines.
Canadian Metadata Forum 2005

CIDL meets with Canadian Culture Online (Canadian Heritage)

On April 11, 2005 CIDL Chair Brian Bell met with representatives from Canadian Culture Online (CCO), Canadian Heritage to discuss current mandatory education requirements for national digitization project applications. CIDL News #11