Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Community Employment Innovation Project
Data from the first longitudinal follow-up survey of the Community Employment Innovation Project (CEIP) are available today.
The CEIP is a long term research and demonstration project managed by the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) and conducted jointly with Statistics Canada. The project is testing an alternative form of government support for the unemployed in areas of chronic high unemployment. The CEIP offered up to three years of employment on community-based projects, which provided workers with a significant period of stable earned income and an opportunity to gain varied work experience, acquire new skills, and expand their networks of contacts.
Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number 4445.
The report Testing a Community-based Jobs Strategy for the Unemployed, Early Impacts of the Community Employment Innovation Project published by the SRDC is available today. To obtain a copy, contact Barbara Greenwood Dufour (613-237-7444; dufour@srdc.org), Social Research and Demonstration Corporation.
For further information on the findings from this project, contact the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (613-237-4311, www.srdc.org) or Client Services (toll-free 1-800-461-9050; 613-951-3321; fax: 613-951-4527; ssd@statcan.ca), Special Surveys Division.
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